Thursday, November 30, 2006


Can't Talk To A Human?

This is the second time I have discussed this topic, that being
the lack of human contact on a "computerized" answered
telephone call.......The reason I am bringing it up again is the
fact that the following procedure works.....You can reach a
human if you know the "secret"......

In today's world you can place a call to a corporation and
have all transactions handled by a "computer voice"......Their
"menu" never has "press #--" to talk to a customer service

If you ever find yourself "locked" in this situation, during the
telephone call", start pressing the "Operator", "Zero", "O",
button on your telephone......Press it anywhere from 3 to 5
times, in quick succession......

This little trick "upsets" the computer and the next thing you
will hear is, "Please hold you are being transferred to a customer
service representative and this call may be monitored for
quality assurance".....I have had to use this little "trick" many
a time and it has never failed......Pumps

Wednesday, November 29, 2006



I believe in Roman times Belgium was the home of the Belgae.....
Well this tribe has come a long way through history.......And
while the Dutch in the North of Belgium and the French in
the South of Belgium rarely agree on anything, it has become
the capitol of the European Union......

Everytime you pick up a paper or read an internet article
some court, panel or government group is trying to run the
world......Bastogne is in Belgium and for some reason their
current leaders have forgot that........

This little runt of a country is only the size of the State of
Maryland and has the population of New York City......I have
come to the conclusion that the only good thing they really
do is make a decent beer and may grow a good sprout in
Brussels.......Otherwise their main export is a constant
supply of pompous bureaucratic crap.....Pumps

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


New Orleans Needs A Robert Moses

In the olde days of NYC Mr. Moses got things done......If the road
was coming through, you had two months to get out of your
house, take what little money he offered and moved......Such
is not the case some 60-70 years later......Now everybody
has "legal rights".......

In the 80's and 90's it took one town 20 years to get water
because of "legal rights".......This is what is going to happen
to the rebuilding of New Orleans........

Let's face it......"Legal rights" = "money"........While the lawyers
and politicians fight over "legal rights" the people who would
benefit from these "rights" will suffer.......

In the day of Robert Moses people, bitched, moaned and
complained but the "work" got done for the common good......
Today, the longer you bitch about your "legal rights" the longer
you still live in a trailer.......When the trailer falls apart, you
can bitch again......In the end you never really get a new

Monday, November 27, 2006


To All Vegans

I trust that all the people, today, who are vegetarians
do not get any type of heart trouble when they
begin to age......It would be a shame to reach the age of
50 or 60 and realize that due to a heart condition you
now had to eat meat.......

There is a drug currently prescribed for heart trouble
which goes by the generic name of Warfarin......Its brand
name is Coumadin.....This oral anticoagulant also may go
by a few other generic names....And, it will effect your
blood and heart function, if combined with the consumption
of vitamin-K (spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens), garlic,
ginko biloba, chamomile, ginseng, soy and alcohol....

Stay healthy, Vegans, because you may one day be eating
a steak and telling the waitress to, " Hold the lettuce" on
your salad........It appears that to be a Vegan you must be
perfectly healthy forever........Pumps

Sunday, November 26, 2006



Well what is left over from olde Ma Bell is up to it again......

With all the surcharges, both from the telephone industry
itself and local-federal governments it is very difficult to
understand what you are paying for when you send a
remittance to Verizon.....I suspect other telephone
companies are the same......

But today I paid my bill that was entirely printed in SPANISH....
The only think printed in English was my name and address....
Perhaps this is due to the fact that I have an English name
and live on an English street in an American town named
for one in Scotland......

I wonder if Verizon customers in Mexico are getting their
bill printed in ENGLISH......Come on guys, give me a break.....

Saturday, November 25, 2006


They Couldn't Kill It

A few year a go the "anti-smoking police" attacked the
automobile......THEY LOST THEIR BATTLE.......

On every dashboard of a car or truck there is a little
hole known as a "Cigarette Lighter"......The anti-smoking
crowd tried to convince some auto manufactures that
it was not needed....."If you did not have one in the vehicle,
then you would not smoke.".......I believe that there may
still be an old car model out there without one.....

But, it so happens that this little "hole" is an alternate
power source......If it could "power up" a lighter than why
not a drink cooler, battery charger, emergency light or
even recharge a cell phone.....

So, to this current day, you will find that little electric
connection on your dashboard......In some cases it may be
hidden inside the "ashtray"......(A good place for non-
smokers to keep "coins".)......Pumps

Friday, November 24, 2006


Wal-Marts' Conundrum

It is widely believed that Wal-Mart does EVERTHING right
and in doing so makes a lot of money and is the best company
in the world to shop in.......WRONG.......

You see Wal-Mart has this self-serve "check out" lane......
You scan your own items, package your own items and
process your own credit card or cash transaction.......(Needless
to say you get no discount for saving them the time and
trouble of not having to hire a "check-out clerk").......But
this is another story.......

Here it is Black Friday, the start of Christmas shopping, and
you go to Wal-Mart to buy one packaged electronic type of item
valued at $40.......No big deal, unless you try to use the "self-
serve check-out" line with an electronic "prepackaged" item......

As soon as you "scan" the "barcode" on the package and
prepare to "swipe" you credit card, the "check-out screen"
on the counter says, "Please wait for customer service
assistance.".........Now there is a delay to await the arrival
of a "non friendly" human who has to punch in some secret
"validation code" into the computer so you can continue
the transaction.........Once the human leaves the computer,
there is no direction as to what to do next in order to
complete the purchase.......(The line behind you forms.)......

What is the sense of having a "self-serve" fast "check-out"
line in a store if you need some to process the sale.......
That is a true "conundrum"........Make them hire more

Thursday, November 23, 2006


The Mistake

Earlier this week, I dug deep into the bottom of the "little"
extra freezer in order to retrieve the turkey breast.....The
centerpiece of today's meal.....


It was a Perdue Oven 'Stuffer Roaster" that had been
laying in the bottom of the "little" freezer for the past
nine months.......

Sorry, my avid readers, there will be no turkey this
Thanksgiving in my Jabunyaville household.......In its
place will be a chicken adorned with sweet potato, Stove
Top, creamed peas and cranberry sauce......It will be
"make-believe" time.......AND, it will "work"....


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Passports 2007 and 2009

Having never travelled, greatly, in my lifetime.....I do not
have a US Passport and have no intention of obtaining
one.....My home and the United States are fine enough
to live in and travel.....

Effective January 23, 2007 all American citizens will need
a Passport to leave the country by "air".....In mid-2009 this
same citizen will need his/her Passport to leave the country
by "land" or "sea" route.......

While this has placed some burdens on frequent business
travelers, who use an "air" route, between the US and
Canada, I expect that the problems will be worked out
without too much difficulty......

My question is what happens in 2009 with all the illegal
people, Hispanic, Asian and others, when the "land" and
"sea" route crossings become effective......

Will they then become trapped in the United States?......
Without any legal citizenship, they will be stopped from
crossing any US border due to the lack of a Passport.....
I suspect 2009 will present us with another "can of worms"
for immigration to contend with......Pumps

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Knights Templar

With the release of the movie "The DaVinci Code" the olde
crusaders and the Knights Templar are once again on TV's
the History Channel.......

However watching TV the other night, I was made aware
that the Knights Templar made their way into American
cinema many years ago......

In rewatching a classic movie, that most of us have seen
a number of times, there it was after the opening credits......

The Knights Templar made the fictional "Maltese Falcon".....


Monday, November 20, 2006


Commercials For Kids

Back in the late 40's and 50's the worse thing that happened
to children was the "placement" of sugar on their morning
breakfast cereal.......Corn Flakes became Frosted Flakes and
Cheerios turned into Fruit Loops.....

Over a period of time the children turned into adults and
started to complain about the marketing of food and toys
to their children.......(They did not mind it when they were
growing up.).....

I must admit that I had somewhat of a "ho-hum" attitude
to the whole situation until I watched a little movie on the
Toon-D channel the other night......A little Disney movie
was on, that for some reason I am fond of, and I watched
it again......ONLY......

Every 10 minutes or so there was a interruption
which consisted of some 10 product or channel promotion
commercials........Give me a break......Even late night adult
interruptions average only 6........

This grandpa has to "side" with the "boomers"......It is
becoming too much.....(And all for a buck).....Pumps

Sunday, November 19, 2006



Yes rice, the stuff Chinese and Hispanics eat "loads" of....That
white stuff......

Years ago I remember rice.....There were two main brands,
River and Carolina......The stuff had to be placed in boiling
water and cooked for twenty minutes or so.......Well like all
other things rice and orange juice are no longer as I first
knew them......

Uncle Ben created a Converted Rice, to reduce the
cooking time.....Then Kraft came up with Minute Rice, this
further reduced the cooking time.....And finally, we now have
a few brands, including "Ben", that make a 90 second rice.....

I suspect that in the future there will be some sort of "solar"
packaging, meaning that you will purchase the product
already hot......All you will have to do is open the package
and serve......(No wonder some people still "enjoy" cooking.)...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Gas Prices, Again

It was bound to happen....Gas prices came down and now there
is ANOTHER problem.......Sometimes I am beginning to believe
that a lot of "problems" are just a bunch of crap.....

Here in the State, in which Jabunyaville is a city, there is now
a problem with gas tax revenues......It seems that when gas
was high we were told to conserve energy and drive less.....
In doing so the State did not get its $0.175 on every gallon
NOT sold......Now there is a tax "shortfall" of some $11.3 million,
which will effect road and transportation improvements.....

Come on guys, let's get our "stuff" together...."Do we burn
gasoline or not?".......Since this is an issue involving taxation
why do we not throw the cigarette tax into the mix also.....

What is it with politicians......They think that they can have
things both ways......Truth is that THEY are the only ones
that can do it......Pumps

Friday, November 17, 2006


Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich

One of my favorite sayings is, "That all things are final except
those which are changed without notice"......Just as Chinese
Chow Mein is not Chinese, Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches
are becoming as far away as possible from the original......

If you want the original you have to now go to Philadelphia
and seek one out.....A simple thinly sliced grilled beef
sandwich topped with Cheese Whiz served on a hoagie/sub/
hero/"poor-boy" roll......

Today there are so many modifications, each restaurant will
have their own.....Changes to the original have been added
onion, mushroom, peppers......Now let's change the cheese to
Mozzarella, cheddar, swiss and colby/jack.......

No wonder people travel back to their home towns hoping
for the "original" taste of their favorite foods whether it be
pizza, burger or hot dog.......They have changed also....Pumps

Thursday, November 16, 2006



Some months back I indulged my passion for a home weather
station and bought one.....I guess most of us are interested
in the weather to one extreme or another......

This simple and inexpensive system tells me the same stuff
that the weatherman on TV does but for some reason
knowing what is happening in my back and front lawns
is of more value to me.....

Well today we had a good rain storm come through......
A cold front that will drop the temperatures some
15-20F degrees over the next few days......But, with it came
3.03 inches of rain.....What the official reading will be
at the Jabunyaville Airport, some 4o miles away, I do not
know.......All I know is that my front yard is "mush" and
now is no time to rake autumn leaves.......

Isn't modern technology fun?........Pumps

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Talking Heads

Its about a week since the 2006 election......Losers are cleaning
out their offices and winners are packing their boxes which
contain pictures of the wife and kids for proper placement
in their new "digs".....

The "TV talking heads" are either changing their opinions
or reinforcing their past ones......

In any case, I am tired.......Tired of listening to what would
happen, how it would happen and when it would happen......
Sometimes I think that all these overpaid "pundits" should
just shut up......

Come to think of it, these "pundits" are lucky......History
has shown that past "pundits" have lost their heads if they
were wrong or offered bad advise.....

I guess politics was a "crap shoot" then, as it is today....Pumps

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



Well it appears that the "marathon season" is coming to
a close for this year......I guess that the best time to run
is in the coolness of the Spring and Fall.......It basically
starts in Boston in the Spring and ends in New York City
in the fall......And, let us not forget all the smaller "runnings"
in other American cities.....

What "gets to me" is the fact that when these marathons
started they were a "home town" event.....(And many still
are.)......Some tried to create more notoriety and get better
TV coverage......In so doing they offered a big $$$$ prize to
the winner.....

Today all the BIG winners, who win the $$$$, have names
you can not pronounce and come from other countries.....
Some are members of a team with other professional runners......

What ever happened to the American hometown marathon
where the winner was happy to get his/her picture on the
front page of the morning newspaper?........Along with the
10"x12" "glossy" to frame beside the cheap little
gold ribbon.......Pumps

Monday, November 13, 2006


They Are Playing Again With Size

I guess we have all become use to the changes in the size
of cans and other packaging containers.....You can not buy a
pound of coffee anymore - it is 11 ounce instead of 16.....
Your 16 ounce soup and bean cans are now 15 or 14-1/2...

Well I have suspected that for a while they have been
playing with my computer paper......Having worked in the
Printing Department (when they existed) for a large
corporation years ago, I think I can remember the "feel"
of a piece of 20 pound "bond" paper......

As of late I have noticed that while the packaging may say
20 pound the "feel" is thinner, from some manufacturers......
Well I believe that paper has followed the path as the rest
of the tree......(Anyone find a 2"X4" which measures that?).....

It appears that the "basis paper weight" of 20 pounds comes
from the weight of the "original" sheets prior to cutting......
Cut the "original" into four parts and you have "4 - 20 pound"
packages.......However if you make the "original" paper sheets
bigger and they weigh 20 pounds you can get "6 - 20 pound"
packages OF THINNER PAPER.....

If I have confused you with this explanation, I am sorry......
But if you find a 2 pound (32oz) can of tomatoes, let me
know.....All I can find now is 1 pound-12 ounces (28oz)
cans.....If the price stays the same, the quantity will
be less......Pumps

Sunday, November 12, 2006



It has been reported that Tower Records, a retail music chain,
will be going out of business due to poor sales of CDs.....It seems
the youth of today just want to buy one or two individual
recordings in stead of buying a "full album".....So what is new?...

In my 70 odd years, the first recorded music I remember
came on a 78 (RPM) record.....It had one song on one side
and one song on another side......You bought it as an individual
item......If you wanted to listen to a full symphony you had to
buy an "album book" which contained 3-4 records and you
listened to both sides in order to hear the full length of music....

This annoyance was solved with the invention of the
33-1/3 (RPM) record which held 1/2 hour of music on one
side of a record......But, it seems that back in the '60s the kids
did not want to buy the whole "album" when all they wanted
was only one or two songs.......Alas, along came the 45 (RPM)
record......One song on one side and one song on the other......
Sound familiar.....

Next innovations in recorded music were the 8 Track Cartridge,
then the Cassette and finally now the CD......All methods
contain 10 to 20 recordings.......It is no wonder that this
current generation wants the same thing it's parents and
grand-parents had - just buy one song or two songs that you
like and not a full collection......The Ipod and its storage
of 99 cent songs seems to "fit the bill".......

I wonder if Tower Records would have stayed in business
if you could have gone into their store and just bought one
or two songs for your Ipod?......Pumps

Saturday, November 11, 2006



Many things have changed in this world in the past years......But
one thing has not......Connecting the face with the voice or written
word......In the past "days of radio" it was always exciting to
connect the voice with the face of the actor/actress.....Sometimes
with disappointment, but always with glee.....

The same has held true in this TV age......Except is now not a TV
face (we see them instantly), it is the internet face.......Once again
a communication comes out of nowhere and it does not have a face....
Have you noticed that modern day internet sites along with
MySpace and YouTube have pictures and faces.......The need to
connect the two, voice and written word to a face is important......

While I may have a lot of e-mail "buddies", today I was able to
enjoy placing a face "on the words" of another "buddy"......Today
was a good day......Pumps

Friday, November 10, 2006


If You Can't Make It Good - Make It Big

The title of this blog is in reference to something I was taught
when I had my photography hobby many years ago......
I think the same axiom holds true some 50 years later.....

Have you noticed what has happened to TV "game shows"?...
"Deal Or No Deal" involves a stage full of girls, each holding
a briefcase, and a funny "master of ceremonies" with a cash
prize in the millions of dollars......All of this "theater" is used
to get better "ratings" than the programs on the other TV

In order to get good "ratings" years ago, all you needed was
a funny "master of ceremonies" who wore a beret and puffed
on an unlit cigar, two contestants and a "rubber duck" that
dropped from the ceiling once in a while........Better yet, if
a contestant answered the "dumb" questions correctly they
might win $500.......

Yesteryear was GOOD - today is BIG........Pumps

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Speaker Of The House

Well America will have its first female Speaker of the House
in Washington DC......Nancy Pelosi is now being hailed as
the most powerful woman in the U.S..........

If this governmental position is so powerful, how many
past Speakers of the House can you name?........Some people
have difficulty remembering all the Presidents of the U.S.....
How can you expect them to remember, very important
and powerful, Speakers of the House?......

In my opinion, the Speaker of the House is in reality the
top sergeant which must control the elected rabble known
as congressmen and chief "traffic cop" for congressional
legislation.......Most of which are useless and "pork"......

So again, how many of these important people can you name?
Scroll down to see who I have remembered......Pumps

Pelosi, Hastert, Gingrich, O'Neill, Ford

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


What Yesterday Cost In Money

The 2006 elections are over......No more TV and radio
advertisements......No more 'direct mailings' asking
for your vote.....No more posting of road signs which
endorse a candidate.....(These are the ones that people
put up but never take down.).....

All this advertising cost money......And, it was mentioned
on the 60 Minute CBS show that the total cost for
everything this year was some 2 BILLION dollars.......
The NBC Tonight Show reported the figure as 2.6 billion....
Yep, 2.6 billion to the media and sign makers of America.....

My query is since this money has been spent by the
political organizations HOW do they intend to replace it?.....
What do they do to replenish the 2.6 billion needed in 2008?.....

Let us face it, if someone is going to give a political party
some money, before 2008, they will want something in
return.......There is where the political problem lies today.....

Oh by the way, the FBI is expanding its Fraud Unit in the
Capitol Building of the United States......Pumps

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


La Campagne Est Mort >

> Vive La Campagne........

The elections of 2006 will have come to an end today in
America......I suspect that a lot of people will forget about
politics for a few weeks......Except some lawyers involved
in the results of close races.......

People will go on with their lives and enjoy the Thanksgiving
and Christmas holiday, and then......

Vive la campagne......"Long live the campaign"......2008 will
be off and running in January.......Look for a political
advertisement during the TV broadcast of the Super Bowl.....

Here we go again folks.........Maybe it's about time to
remind the people in Washington that the peasants once
stormed the Bastille and that history DOES tend to
repeat itself.....Pumps

Monday, November 06, 2006


What's Missing?

In a lifetime many things change and things come and go......
Gasoline and housing become more expensive and motor
oil is not longer sold from a 55 gallon drum in a reusable
bottle......Another thing missing is fear and guilt......

These two human qualities have long ago been "kicked to
the curb".....Fear, usually instilled by a parent or elder,
resulted in guilt if fear was, for some reason, bypassed.....

These two human qualities became a part of one's inner
being and therefore also became and resulted in what
can be called self control.......One set his/her own limits
on his/her behavior being guided by the internal guides
of fear and guilt......

To find these two qualities anymore in modern society
is difficult.....People now a days just don't give a shit.....Pumps

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Election Fraud

We are fighting in Iraq and there are some people who
believe that their society is still in the Middle Ages.....
Perhaps one thing is - their voting system.....Simple as
"all get out"....

First there is a paper ballot......Second there is a
"purple" finger, after you vote.......Now if you count the
paper ballots and number them, then no one can vote
twice because they already have a "purple" finger it
appears that the Seventh Century has some benefits
to it.....

Today every time someone found a "hanging chad",
it was time to change the system to avoid any possible
future errors.......Well we now have electronic voting
with all its "hacking" and "glitch" problems......May
it is about time to return to paper, pencil and "purple"

Editor's Note: Well it has happened again....While the
above "blog" was drafted on Nov. 4th for posting today,
I woke up this morning to find out that Nancy Giles
had an "opinion piece" on the CBS Sunday Show.....Topic,
paper ballots and "purple" fingers......It appears that
while we had the same thought, she got paid for her's....

Saturday, November 04, 2006



Well it is that time of the year here in Jabunyaville......Every
tree has leaves and in the fall the "leaves fall" on to the
ground......It has been happening for thousands of years.....

But today there are people who do not appreciate the
"falling of the leaves".....These people have spent so much
money on their highly manicured green lawns, that the
slightest bit of acid from a decaying leaf is an abomination.....
"Heaven forbid"......

So after a year of seeding, fertilizing and mowing, and of
course the fertilizing of the tree roots also, additional money
is needed to prevent any possible damage caused by the
leaves, necessitating their instant removal....

A great conundrum, don't you think.......Pumps

Friday, November 03, 2006


Another Change In A Job Description

Some 50 years ago, when you went into a restaurant or diner
to eat, you sat at a table and waited for a "waitress" or
"waiter" to take your food order.....(The source of the word
is from the Middle English for "watchman".).....

For some reason the the use of "waiter/waitress" became
sexist.....And, so the word "server" became in vogue......
"Hello, I am your 'server', may I take your order.".....

Well here we go again......It appears the the word "server"
no appears to be "one of a slave".....My local Applebee's
no longer has "servers".......Now it is "helper"....."Hello,
I am your 'helper', may I take your order."......

For some reason when you are trying to be a self-sufficient
senior citizen, the last word you want to hear is, "Hello,
I am your helper."......Who goes to a restaurant for "help"?.....
I thought you went to a restaurant to order food from
the "waiter" or "waitress".......

I wonder if in the Help Wanted section of the local
newspaper will now have a heading for "helper"?....Pumps

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Iraq And Money

Everyone is looking for a solution to the Iraq problem.......
The British had their own problems in the country back
in the twenties and thirties.......(In fact we seemed to
have gotten involved in a lot of olde British and French

I suspect that as long as the United States keeps handing
over money to the New Iraq Government there will be
problems.....Half of the money is leaving the country
anyway......The Swiss banking institutions just love

As the olde adage goes, "Let's stop buying the fish, and
just pay for the fishing poles"............Pumps

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


It's Ironic

Just about one year ago we in Jabunyaville voted for a new
Governor.....The man that won had the support of all the
state and local unions....A man of vision and a man of

We all those state workers who voted for his vision and
change, GOT IT......

He is about to sign an "executive order" stating that from
now on there will be "no smoking" in any state offices
and in state owned vehicles.......

Now our state workers, who smoke, will spend more of
their valued time, on the sidewalks and loading docks,
away from their desks and work duties......This should
also reduce the efficiency of the non-smokers around

Do smokers get sick from smoking or standing out in
Jabunyaville's cold winter weather?......Pumps

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