Sunday, December 31, 2006


It's Smaller Than New Jersey

For the last 4 thousand years of recorded history people have
been fighting for a piece of land known today as Israel......Some
60 years ago it was called Palestine and 2000 years ago

This hunk of rock and beach, now and for all of history has
been the eastern end of the Medterranean and therefore
a vital area of world trade and money.......In fact it's waters
got so polluted from propulation and commerce that no
one wanted to eat the shell fish from its waters........

Well this piece of land is no longer important for the seafaring
crowd.....Now it has become a quest of many religions of the
world that say, "I was here first" or "I own it because I
kicked you out".......

It seems that the media people keep tabs on how many people
die for something......Let's go back some 4000 years and try
to find out how many people have died, from all nations and
beliefs, for this little piece of waterfront property, small than
the size of New Jersey......Pumps

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Additional Insurance

Went to the Post Office today to mail a package......"Do you want
insurance?", the clerk asked.......

Have you noticed that all the package shipping companies along
with all the electronic retailers ask you if you "want insurance".....
Let's face it, it seems that these people spend 90% of their time
and advertising budget, on tell you how good their services or
product is......Then 10% of their time trying to get you to pay
additional sums of money just in case their product is faulty or
their service fails........Buy an automobile, "do you want the
extended warranty program?"......

If their service or product is so damn good, you should not need
any additional insurance at all.......Or better yet, they should pay
for the "insurance"......It's their product or service.....Pumps

Friday, December 29, 2006


Jim Webb

While many pundits will expound on the pros and cons of
Jim Webb being the new senator to represent the State of
Virginia......One question remains for it's population.......

What will Jim Webb do for the State of Virginia?????

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Know Your Prices

Its three days after Christmas and two days after Boxing Day.....
The stores still are having their sales of Christmas and other
Holiday items........

Went into my local K-Mart only to find an item I bought about
a month ago that I had to ship to a friend, out-of-state......
The item was at half price (remember my 50% off blog).....
I have no problem with the current price.....But here is the
history of the item's pricing......

On December 1st the item was sold for $9.99......A fair price
and so I bought it.......On December 15th, the same item was
now being sold for "buy one, get one free"......Price now was
$4.995 each.......I still have no problem with the price because
it is a "marketing decision".......

Here it now is, after the Christmas holiday, and the price is
once again list $9.99 with 50% off @ $5.00.......It seems
that the "retailer" made their percent of profit, prior to
December 25th and after, during the post-Christmas sale......

I guess the only bargain is Christmas cards a 1/2 price and
sometimes I even "wonder" about that.....Pumps

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Credit Card Bills

No, this will not be about the massive credit debt in the
United States today.....No, this will not be about how to
use a Credit Card properly and being frugal......This is
about the billing cycle of the credit card companies.......

When credit cards first became popular......The credit
card company allowed you thirty (30) days to pay the
bill before any late charges occurred.......The same does
not hold true today.........

Today, the credit card company will have a "monthly
closing" date for charges, then proceed to print your bill
and place it into the hands of the United Postal Service
for delivery......Upon the receipt of the bill, you are
required to provide payment prior to their "monthly
closing" date for the next bill.......And that "date" is
usually 7 days prior to the initial "closing date"......

Closing date 20th - bill in the mail......
Receipt of bill 27th
Payment by 8th (of following month)

Now considering 7 days in the mail, for your payment,
you have to pay the bill in three to four days, in order
to have it received on the 8th.........

Do not "sneeze" while trying to pay a credit card bill.....
It will cost you $30-35 in late payment fees......

What happened to the 7 days USPS in and 7 days out?.....
This left you with 15-17 days to get your remittance

Oh, when will they teach this in their Money Management
class in school?........Pumps

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


50% Off

Well it is the day after Christmas and all the Mall or Chain stores
have their signs up that say "50% off" on all Christmas Items.......

What gets me is that in some stores there is a sign along side the
"50% off" one that calculates your savings......IE: $3.99 = $1.99.....
Do you mean to tell me that people are so stupid , that they
can not divide a number "in half" in their head?...IE: $4.00 = $2.00...

According to the Marketing Managers of some of these stores, they
think so.......What does this inability to do simple math tell us about
our current schools and what they are teaching?......

I wonder if the next sign in a store will be "instructions" on how to
count money?......Do we need a class in what the "round" things
are and what the numbers mean on the green pieces of paper?.......

Monday, December 25, 2006


Just A Thought

A news story appeared in a British paper yesterday which
said that the English WW II war debt of 1945 had been
paid off......It was an American loan they had......

I think "thank you" is in order.......

I just wonder if all the other countries that owe us money,
paid off their debt, would our taxes have to go up?????.......

It seems the banks lend out money AND make money
doing so......Why can not the United States Government
do the same.......

On a second thought.....A world country can only criticize
us or our foreign policy, only after they have paid off
their debt to us........Sounds good to me.......

MERRY CHRISTMAS to my devoted readers......Pumps

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Once Upon A Time #22

Today everyone has a "recycling tip" it seems....."Save the
environment".....I have "been there and done that".....Most
of us olde geezers have done it......It was known as World
War Two.......

I suspect to the "Boomers" this "recycling" is something
new and inconvenient for them.......They see no real need,
this "throw-away" generation.......

Glass bottles (few plastics then), tin cans (no aluminum yet),
newspapers, automotive oils and any scrap metals were
all worth money.......Just think, you bought a "coke" in a bottle,
drank the "coke", then recycled the bottle is order to save
money to buy another "coke".....

Life seemed a lot simpler and less complicated back then...
And no one was constantly bothering you on your cell phone.....
They had to make their own decisions back then.....Pumps

Saturday, December 23, 2006


The System Works

When people say that the Internet and Blogs have changed the
face of communication, they are correct......

Years ago if you wanted your feelings known, on any given
subject, it took a lot of effort to "get it out there".....Not in
these days......All you have to do is set up a "Blog Site" and
expound.....Do watch what you say though......No one wants
a libel law suit filed against them......

Since corporations and humans are both "vain" they will
monitor all of the world's internet traffic, by one means or
another......You can rest assured that your "feelings" will
be printed out and place on some one's desk a day or two
after you "express" them.....

I really cuts down on the expense of writing a "dictum"
and trying to get it published somewhere.....And, it
definitely cuts down on simple postage.......Pumps

Friday, December 22, 2006


Two Words

Currently in the United States "two words" mean a lot......
"Church" and "State".......Everyday someone is in a court
trying to have the words suit their purposes.....

It appears to me that these "two words" will cause some
Muslims a problem in this country......Their one word is
"Sharina" an Islamic Divine Law.......

Currently the Muslim religion is attempting to get their
"law" to be established in England and in Canada......
Of course it is currently in use in many an Arab country
and is "State Law"......

I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like a
"State Religion" to me......And, no separation of "Church"
and "State".......I suspect that the Supreme Court will
have something to say on this subject......Let's face it, if
the Christmas Tree and Nativity scene are in trouble
now, can you imagine what trouble "Sharina" would be

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Eric Cantor - Congressman

Mr. Eric Cantor is my Congressman......And I am sure that he
is a pretty nice human being......(I know, you are waiting for
the but)......But, this little "gem" of a politician is more concerned
about himself and Mrs. Pizza than the people he represents......

He is a Republican, and one that survived the "purge", who
puts out his hand and holds it horizontal.....The palm upright......
In his "position" he is more concerned about what he can
do for the "party" and himself than what he can do for YOU.......

I am one of his poor schmuck constituents in Richmond, just
because he has a "R" after his name, and I doubt he will
fulfill his pre-reelection comments to Culpepper.......He is
too busy traveling for the "party" with his hand out and
eating "free" Domino's Pizza.......

I just had to rant on this one......Pumps

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Computer Spell Check

OK people, now we have the ability to spell any word we like
wrong, press one button and have it correct by a computer.....
This is the ultimate in modern technology......

Has anyone noticed one thing......This new technology has
spawned a new era of words......"Blog"...."Email"....."MySpace"....
"YouTube".....And many others.......

Type any of these new "techo-words" on your computer and
good olde "spell check" never heard of them......

Would you not think that the "geeks" of the world would
make sure that "their" words worked on "their" system......

Guess not......Pumps

Tuesday, December 19, 2006



What the hell have we thought our children in school?????....

Since the one room school house to about 50 years ago,
you went to school to learn the "basics" on how to progress
and succeed in life......You read, wrote, added, subtracted
and learned the fundamentals of art, science......Let's not
forget basic world history, American history and civics.....

Today, I gather, the grammar and high school classes are
more "in depth"....Create a deeper thinking process and all
that kind of "mush"......

The result of this "deep thinking" is the fact that people
now run gas generators or burn charcoal in their homes
if there is a power outage and they can't keep the beer cold.....
Where the hell was the "science class" that told them that
certain gas fumes will KILL you......

I suspect too much time was spent telling them that they
were going to die from Arctic ice melting or bird "poop"......

Monday, December 18, 2006


Driving In The Snow

A newspaper report in Alberta, Canada noted the fact that
people, up there, had to remember that driving in the snow
was different from Summer driving......Things have not

Why is it that people, driving a ton of steel, think they
can control a vehicle on snow and ice?.......Let's face it,
they did not take their driving test on it.......

Seems that each generation produces a "stupid batch
of newbies" that "know better" than anyone else......Even
after they slide off the road and it costs $100 to get towed
out they will contend that they "did know" how to drive
in the snow......It was the "other guy's" fault that caused
"their" problem......

It becomes evident that "snow driving" is a good metaphor
for other life's issues.......Pumps

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Vegetarians Are Smarter

Well it is now official......Vegetarians are smarter than people
who eat meat.......This fact is brought to you be some
researchers in England.......If you eat in Burger King your
IQ is likely to be 4 points lower than a patron of Good Foods

What does IQ have to to with anything?.......I wonder how
many of the world's college professors are Vegans?......In
today's world "one" is judged by his/her success not whether
they eat their broccoli.....And, success is the result of "using"
the IQ you got.....

The world is full of unsuccessful dumb people, who eat
their vegetables, and have high IQs........Pumps

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Potato Pancakes

Since this is the first, full, day of Chanukah the Jewish
Christmas, I do love the food shows which claim
potato pancakes, or latkas, are a traditional holiday
speciality dish.......Ba-Hum-Bug......

Being Polish, I can remember many a day of my mother
shredding raw potato and raw onion into a bowl and
frying the mixture in lard or Crisco.......Top these little
pancakes with some applesauce and it was called

Come on folks, it was World War II out there......You were
lucky if you could find the applesauce.......And believe me
sour cream was true to it's name back then.....Not the
"wishy-washy" flavored yogurt you find in the supermarket
these days........

Now the WWII treat was Spam with some cloves stuck in
it topped with a pineapple slice AND a side of latkas......

Happy Chanukah.........Pumps

Friday, December 15, 2006


The Bunsen Burner & The Sun

Back in my days of high school Physics and Chemistry classes
we were told the proper use of the single gas flame Bunsen
burner........A simple little experiment was to ignite the gas
flame and position your hand over it......If you placed your
hand closer to the flame, your hand got hotter......If you
adjusted the gas flame to make it higher, your hand got

A simple experiment of a heat source relative to an object.....
In this case your hand.......

Well it seems that some scientists are agreeing that the
sun is "super duper hot and getting hotter all the time"......
Question: If the heat source is increasing, like the gas flame,
will not the fixed object in front of it get hotter?......

Since these scientists claim the Earth is heating up because
of the Sun, they now want us to FIX the Sun........I say, let's
send them "there" to fix the problem......They are
scientists and are more knowledgeable than us common
folk.......Besides all they have to do is "turn down the gas"
a little or reduce some atomic activity.......It should be
a breeze......Pumps

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Dictums Of History

People are aways trying to find a meaning (of live) and if it
is not in the stars, it is in the history and interpretation of
other's writings.......

Somewhere back in 627-32AD (or CE for others) a person
said "make war on the unbelievers"....OK.....That was 1380
years ago......Long time to hold a "grudge"......

That is what the world has become......There is no longer
the conquest of land.......There is no long the quest of great
wealth (it is in a Swiss bank), the only quest if for the
insecure human mind - via religion........

Man has been afraid since he/her reached the mouth of
the cave......And feared going "out".....Leaving security
had it's challenges.......

Come to think of it, listening to the "cave leader" was the
secure way of dying old......Nothing really has changed
in 4000 years......Pumps

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


The Wall

In the living of "life" everyone has to hit the "wall".....Some
once, others perhaps multiple times......I guess my use of
the word "wall" is equal to "an awakening".......Life and all
it's "goods and bads" hits you square in the face.....The "wall"....

It appears to me that us older folk were fortunate in a way
to have encountered the "wall" at an earlier age than the
so-called "Boomer Generation".......We did not grow up poor,
we just grew up without money.......We lived in the shadow
of the "wall"......

Today a large number of the "Boomers", who may have
tripped or stumbled in the past, never have been
confronted with the "wall" itself.......And sadly, here they
are at the age of 40 or 50 looking at it "square in the eye".....

To many the "wall" is represented in career changes, early
life medical problems or financial retirement insecurity.....

Early life's struggles does have their benefits.....Perhaps it
is because you get them out of the way sooner, than later......

Oh well, this is a useless blog because it is not a "boomer"
problem anyway......It is someone else's "wall".....Pumps

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Time & Date

In a recent return of a bad DVD disk to the store, it was
mentioned to the store clerk that the disk WAS bad.....Then,
there comes upon his face "a question mark" and doubt....

The next words I said were the "fragmentation started
at 53 minutes into playing time"......The "question mark"
and doubt suddenly went away.......Reason: The use of
the words "53 minutes"......

In any instance were time is required as "proof" always
use an "un-rounded" number......The fragmentation did
not occur at "about 50 minutes".......It occurred AT 53 minutes.....

Once you use an "exact" number you can not be questioned
because it denotes the fact that you are "accurate".
"It" is never 5 inches of snow....."It" is 4-7/8 inches....
"It" never happened at 4:30PM......"It" happened at
4:32PM.......This applies to dates also......Remember it was
mailed on the 12th.......Not "around the beginning of the week."
Even if you can not remember......Make a good date or time
up......No one questions a "accurate" time or date.....Pumps

Monday, December 11, 2006


COW Flatulence

I did not expect to "flatulence" bogs in the period of one week
but this one is about cows and other animals.......

It seems there are people in England who have come to the
conclusion that the planet is being damaged more by cow farts
than what comes out of the tale pipe of an automobile.......

Yes, that is right......We will not all die from automobile exhaust
fumes, but from "Cow Farts".........Pray, it is not just only the
cows, but it is the sheep, chickens, pigs and goats......

If you want to save planet Earth, please continue to drive
your car, but remember to eat your vegetables and take
a Beano......Just think humans may one day join this
"fart" list of planet destruction......Pumps

Sunday, December 10, 2006



It seems that the best and most funniest joke is a "fart"
joke......But flatulence is a real and necessary body function....
Trust me, after one hospital stay, I was not allowed to be
discharged until I "farted"......For some reason this simple
human function advised all the well trained medical
personnel that I was OK to go home.....

During your early days of life you are instructed and even
reprimanded on the subject......For some reason it is not
polite in public......So stifle this basic of all biological needs,
you are told.......

When one gets older, one never really cares about the
early life's directives on the matter......One just "farts".....
After all the doctors want to know that your internal
parts are working properly and in some way you want
the rest of the world to know, in the most gradiose
of fashion, that you ain't dead yet.....Pumps

Saturday, December 09, 2006



Because of the new movie "Blood Diamond" we now have a
new item in the jewelery store.......A "conflict diamond".....

What gets me is that diamonds were always mined in some
countries that had "political conflicts".....Come to think of
it most of the stuff we buy and use, in this new global
economy, may come from a "country with some kind of
conflict"......China has "conflict"......Some of the oil
producing countries have "conflict"......Clothing comes
from some third world countries that have "conflict"......

It will now be demanded that a diamond come with a
"certificate" proving that it did not originate in a "conflict"
country......I think it is only fair that we get a "certificate"
with our gas, clothing and foreign fruit.......Just wait and
see, "conflict" diamonds will become more rare and
more valuable than non-conflict, run in the mill, diamonds
just like everything else that has a "certificate" attached
to it.......Pumps

Thursday, December 07, 2006


40% = 1%

Some great "minds" have determined that 40% of the world's
wealth is held by 1% of its people......So what is new?......

If I remember correctly, we all grew up learning about
"castles".....Those big stone houses up on top of the hill.....

We also learned that surrounding these large stone
homes there were a lot of people who "worked the land"
and they were know as "serfs".......

Does anyone know how many "serfs" it took to support one
"castle"?........(Or coolies an Emperor?)......Pumps

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Jim Webb

Mr. Webb is my new State Senator in Washington DC......While
I did not vote for him, he IS my representative for the next
6 years......From his past history, in governmental service,
and his recent actions in the White House, it appears that he
is his "own man".....And, I like and respect "free" thinkers....

But, how many "free" thinkers are there in Washington, DC?......
If you are the "newbie" in the Senate or House of Representatives,
you have to take "direction" for caucus leaders, committee
leaders, party leaders, etc.....In other words you are told what
to do and when to "wipe your ---"........

A rare few Senators and Congressmen have served their
elected terms and have decided that the "political game"
is not to their liking and have not run again for "office".....

My concern is not with what Mr. Webb has done, but what
he will "be able" to do.......And if he gets his "Haynes in a wad"
again how much of a true public servant he will be?....Pumps

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


"Been There - Done That"

Do you know that there are some Baby Boomers who think
that they have "coined" this phrase.......Wrong......

If some of these 40 or 50 somethings want to sit down, talk
and listen (remember they know it "all") to us 70, 80 or
even 90s, we can tell them a thing or two.........

What makes them THINK that they are the FIRST people
in the world to travel the ROAD O LIFE?????

I think it is about time for us olde folks to tell them that the
"path" that they are traveling has been well worn and has
become "smooth" by the footprints of their predecessors......

Monday, December 04, 2006


Sorry LLBean

In all honesty I do like the LLBean company.....In fact I had the
occasion to walk into their nice store, in the middle of a nice
town in Maine.......BUT........Receive a catalog and try to order
something via "net" or "phone" is a different matter......

To order a simple winter hat, you have to have a PHD in
internet web design to navigate your purchase........If you want
to use your "coupon" the last thing you need to see on your
computer screen is that the "number is invalid".......(Hey, they
sent me the number and said use "it")........

To top everything off three different telephone calls to three
different "1-800" numbers failed to have someone pick up at the
other end, even after 4 rings.......(I'm a three ring person.....An
olde boss told me if I did not answer the phone within three
rings - find another job.)......

From the business internet reports it appears that LLBean
is making money........Will their annual report reflect the loss
of a $19.95 hat?.......I doubt it.....Pumps

Sunday, December 03, 2006



In this computerized world it seems that Spam is a problem
for e-mail recipients......It also seems to me that the
computer "geeks" can do anything but solve the Spam

If they can identify Spam as a "Bulk" or "Trash" item
why can't they just "Return It To Sender"......If that
was the case the "sender" would have his/her own
e-mail inbox full of their own stuff......And, when it comes
back to them they will not know which of the e-mails
was profitable and which was not......

They would spend one half of the day sending their Spam
out and the other half of the day "reading all the returned"
Spam......The "geek' that comes up with this solution should
be given the Nobel Prize........Pumps

Saturday, December 02, 2006


The Labyrinth

In this modern American world, I have come to the
conclusion, that we all live in a labyrinth and in order
to reduce life's stress we have to find a way to
navigate it's paths.....

A day or two ago, I mentioned the computerized
telephone.....This "system" is only the "tip of the
iceberg" as far as the other "systems" we are forced
to live in and which control our life functions......
Are lives are now controlled by the "0s and 1s" of

Whether you purchase something, return something,
go to the Dept of Motor Vehicles, file an insurance
claim all the "0s and 1s" have to be in the right position
to get a proper result.......No longer can you lead your
life with just simple human interaction.....You have
to learn how to interact with a "mindless" machine
which has been programed by an "over-paid geek"
that does not know or care about you - the person.....

So, people, think "0s and 1s".....The only way to find
your way through the labyrinth is to think like that
"over-paid mindless geek".....Have fun......Pumps

Friday, December 01, 2006


A Comparison

The violence is Iraq is currently being referred to by people
in government and the media as a Civil War.......Question....
Has the violence in Northern Ireland ever been referred
to as a Civil War?.....

Fact: The Christian religion has two main divisions.....
#1 (Roman) Catholic and #2 (Various Denominations)

Fact: The Muslim religion has two main divisions.....
#1 Shia and #2 Sunni......

When the Christians fight it is called an "Ethno-Political
Conflict".......When the Muslims fight it is called a "Civil
War".......Am I missing something here?.......Pumps

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