Sunday, April 30, 2006


Union Square

I suspect that there are many Union Squares, just as there
are many Union Stations in the United States....However,
the best Union Square (and park) is in New York City.....

At the juncture of Broadway, Park Avenue South (olde
Fourth Avenue) and 14th Street is Union Square and its
little park.....And as the history of NYC has shown, a nice
place to hold a 'protest rally'.....

When I grew up in the late 40s and early 50s, Union Square
was the place workers would rally against their working
conditions and hand out copies of the Daily Worker, a
communist publication......

Tomorrow on May First, Union Square will once again
become the site of yet another rally.......It is the site, in
New York City, of the immigration 'awareness day' get

I wonder if they will hand out copies of the Daily Worker
which are printed in Spanish?.......Pumps

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Let Us Sue

It appears that 10 States Attorneys General want to sue the
Federal Government over global warming.....I guess they are
running out of tobacco money......

Their desire is to sue the Feds because of the amount of
pollution which is hanging over their states and causing the
earth below to be warmer......Cut the amount of ozone gases
etc. and cool down the states.....

Here are the states involved.....New York, Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin,
California, Oregon and New Mexico......

Have you noticed that the first seven states have very cold
winters and their residents complain about the price of heating
oil every year?.......This past year the Northeast United States
was a few degrees warmer than past years.....No one really
complained about the price of oil.....The only complainers were
the merchants which did not sell their inventories of snow

The way I see it, if the AGs win their suit, the consumer will
wind up paying for it - in higher oil prices....Screwed again and
by your own state government.....Pumps

Friday, April 28, 2006


The Waltz

What is it with this piece of music that makes me feel

There is an internet accessible classical music station
which plays a waltz each day at 5:30P.....The pre-dinner

As for the answer to my question, I believe it is the
result of the movies.....All those movies, period pieces,
where ladies and gentlemen danced in the palaces of
Europe......I think they even managed to sneak one in
in a John Wayne movie.......

However there was always the 'bad part' when the dancing
was interrupted with some bad war or political news.....
The music stopped and then the star of the movie always
instructed the orchestra leader to "Play on".....So not to
disturb his guests......It was always a grand scene....Pumps

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Working For The Man

Some one hundred years ago it was not uncommon to have
a parent working for a large company which owned the
town, stores and other human needs.....Everything you
earned went back into the company, in one form or another...

In today's times the word MAN has changed to MEN......
While you may get paid from one company for your toil,
you are remitting monies to your auto financial institution,
your mortgage banker and your credit card companies.....

Like in the olde days you are living 'hand-to-mouth'.....Today
it is called 'week-to-week'.......Most people think that living
in this cycle is 'life'.....Many have found out that 'life' really
exists outside of the cycle.....

It does take some sacrifice and effort to leave that 'company
town', but in the long run it is worth it......Just remember, if
the 'factory' burns down does the 'company' give a "flying
rat's behind" about you....They never have and they never

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



The great political show......The Department of Homeland
Security took action against illegal aliens and the companies
that employ them.....

It is all over the TV and newspapers......Great job done to
solve a problem......BS.......

Did the Department of Homeland Security take any action
against an American owned company......No, it took action
again IFOC North American Division which is owned by
a GERMAN company......

I guess the Senators and Congressmen will feel relieved
that they will not get phone calls from the large beef
and chicken processing conglomerates or vegetable
producers.....I doubt if they speak German let alone

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Gasoline Pricing

Since I am on profit margins, let us look at this one.....

Fact: Gasoline companies only make 4% net profit on a
gallon of gas......

Fact: 4% profit of gas sold at $1.00 is 4 cents....

Fact: 4% profit of gas sold at $2.00 is 8 cents....

Fact: 4% profit of gas sold at $3.00 is 12 cents.....

If the oil companies were not losing money back in 1998-9
when gas was around $1.00 a gallon, they are sure not
losing it now with gas at $3.00 a gallon.......Pumps

Monday, April 24, 2006


Supermarket Pricing

All I hear on the radio and TV is that the supermarkets in
the United States work on the lowest margin of profit that
there is.....Some 3 to 4%......That lead me to try to figure
something out.....

The regular price on an item is $1.39......There is a sale on that
item and it is reduced to $1.00.....Reduction in price of 39 cents...
This is a reduction in price of almost 30%.....

Now consider that the item on sale is known as a "loss
leader".....An item which will get you into the store so that you
can spend other money......But still, I suspect that if anything,
the "loss leader" is being sold at cost.....And therefore it was
sold the previous week at 30% profit......

Even after all the profit items and non-profit items, a supermarket
executive wants to tell me that they are only making only 3 to 4%
profit......It must be after they take out store operation costs.....
I guess when you are making millions, 3 to 4% net profit is really
not that bad.......Pumps

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Status Quo

I have come to the conclusion that humans are the happiest
when things are "Status Quo".....The fact that "Status Quo"
can be good or even bad does not matter.....The human mind
just does not want to 'deal' with change.......

There are people in olde Russia who want the communist days
back......Hey, other people went to the prison, but "I was able
to handle that and cope"......

If you live under any type of 'entitlement' system it is the same
human feeling....."Leave things alone, I can live with that"....Just
like the stock markets, any change or thought of change, incites
fear......Fear of non-survival.......

History has proved two things......#1 people do survive, in spite
of themselves and #2 Roosevelt was right, "The only thing we
have to fear, is fear itself"........We fear the raise in our mortgage
payment or rent, but when it comes due, we pay it and move on...

Saturday, April 22, 2006



When non-busy people have time to think, they become
creative......The world has a class of eaters known as
vegetarians....."Eat vegetables" is their motto and code
of life.....Beef, chicken and to some even fish are the food
of DEATH......

OK so you want to eat vegetables.....Fine with me......Eat
them.....But these believers think that since ancient people
ate vegetable they were healthier......Fact #1, all these
people still died eating only vegetables......Fact #2, they
did not have any meat to eat, so if they did not vegetables
they would have died sooner......

In the middle east Arab and Jew alike do not eat pork or
shell food......It is the religious law......But the law is based
on the pollution of the Mediterranean from fetal matter
run off which caused shell fish eaters to become sick and die....
We all know about the pork and trichinosis....

While the human mind has developed and expanded, it is
amazing how it has been held captive by myth and
superstition....But yet the human "mind" is permitted to
live in whatever sphere of conscious it wants.....(Alas
another problem at times)......Pumps

Friday, April 21, 2006


Beef, Gas & Ice Cream

The price of a hunk of beef has gone up.....(Even though the bull
is Canadian and the butcher Mexican)......The price of a DVD
rental at Blockbusters has gone up......The price of a cup of
diet coffee ice cream at Bruster's has gone up.......And along
with everything else so has gasoline......

If the price of a gallon or liter of gasoline has gone up in Canada,
Australia and the United States, why do we not hold the US
Governmental officials responsible for beef and ice cream pricing?....
In fact why do we not complain to the other countries in the world
that since THEIR prices are high, it is making OUR prices high?.....

I suspect that somewhere in China there is a 'sweat shop' laborer
who is complaining about the increase in price of a gram of rice.....
I can even see a caveman complaining about the fact it will cost
him two women for one dead ox....."Why five years ago it was only
ONE women"........A loaf of bread will be $20.00 in the year 2050
but you will be earning $100,000 as a burger flipper.....In life and in
time everything is relative.....Pumps

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun

It seems that there is a certain portion of the Unites States
population which has become upset because they are not
getting paid twice for the working once......

In all fairness to many retired people, the little extra cash
that comes once a month along with a Social Security check
does not hurt the pocketbook and should be enjoyed.....And,
well deserved......But a few feel that it they worked from
the age of 30 to 60 and retired, then they should receive
the same pay and benefits from 60 to 90.......

Work once and get paid twice......Well it looks like the 'glory'
days of unions are gone.....Some retirees are now required
to make tough choices......To go on the cruise with the family
you will have to sell the lake house and the boat......Viagra
may no longer be free under an olde union contract.....

It is funny that there is a portion of the 'middle class' who
consider themselves to be underpaid and struggling while
in the eyes of others, they are wealthy and deserve no
pity for their lifestyle problems....If you want to have sex
than buy the pills yourself......Pumps

Wednesday, April 19, 2006



When you are going to school, as a young person, they teach you
mathematics.....They teach you many forms of it, algebra,
geometry and trigonometry.....There are even scientific uses for
all these numbers......

Up and into your High School years you are taught that 1 and 1
always equals 2......That the hypotenuse of a triangle is always
in direct proportion to the sum of its sides.....It is all straight
forward and there is always a correct answer......

After these 'formative' years one finds out that 1 and 1 does not
always equal 2 because other people like to play with the
numbers and manipulate them in order to get the answer that
they want.......In the finance world it is know as 'cooking the
books'......In the political world 'polling data' and survey

I wonder what kind of 'test mark' a teacher would give someone
if they said, "I have 50 people who think one side of the triangle
measures "X" and another 50 people think the other side
measures "Y", therefore I think the hypotenuse is "Z".......Man,
would you be in detention after school so fast, you would not
know what hit you.......How things do change.....Pumps

Tuesday, April 18, 2006



Well, last weekend, the marathon season got underway in Boston,
Mass. with the Patriot Day running......There will now be races
all across America until the fall, with one of the last big ones
being in New York City......

These marathon runnings were an amateur 'thing' years ago.....
And, to this day still have many non professional runners in
them......In fact, thousands.......

Some twenty or so years ago, the promoters of these races
added money to the equation in order to attract world renown
runners.....The 'prize' money has now grown to a point that it
has become a business and livelihood for many......

You will now find a 'family' of runners from one country who
travel in a group, run in a group and have one of the group
win.....Each member of the 'family' wins one or two races so
as not to attract attention to themselves as a 'whole'.......

The next time you see a marathon winner be mindful of the
fact that he or she is returning to the hotel to eat dinner
with the rest of the racing 'family' that night.....The 'winnings'
of course get thrown into the 'pot' and the next race on the
circuit is planned out.......Pumps

Monday, April 17, 2006


Extended Warranties

Yes, extended warranties still do exist and are being sold by
electronic retailers.......I guess I can see buying one of these
policies if you are purchasing an item which is over $1,000 but
not on a set of walkie-talkies which are less than $100.....

Let's face it.....Everything manufactured has some sort of
manufacturer's' warranty in the first place......Three months
to a year in most cases......If you buy a $100 TV is it really
worth $50-75 to extend the original warranty an additional
year?......You never amortize that product cost at that rate.....

Beside I think it would be also nice to tell the salesperson, that
if he/she has such great faith in the product by selling it to
you than why does he/she need to sell you an extended
warranty?......Do they mean thanks for their sales commission
but you are lucky if the item lasts 18 months?.......Pumps

Sunday, April 16, 2006



Electronic Funds Transfer......This system of transferring money,
I suspect, started between financial institutions......It is the new
electronic system which is basically a "chit".....There is NO direct
transfer of 'hard cash', just the transfer of numbers and electronic

This system is all well and good for the big money players, but they
are now promoting its use for the everyday consumer......
Bare in mind the EFT only works with people who have their
financial house in order......By using it you save = A Stamp, Your
Valued Time and It Is Convenient......

To start one of these EFTs you sign an approval notice to have
some company take money out of your bank account.....The bank
does not get involved in the transaction.....Should there be any
problems, it is between your the bill collector......If you want the
bank to 'step in', on a problem, it will cost you $30.00......And
while you set up a transfer with an 'approval' some companies
do not provide a 'cancellation' document......

This EFT transaction is ALL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.....Need
I say more......Beware......Pumps

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Jabunyaville Does Exist

There are small little "Jabunyaville" like towns in these
United States......I just had an occasion to visit one today......

It is the typical little American town......It has its Main St.,
a number of quaint little 'local' shops, the town Laundromat,
along with the one traffic light, town park and a few
cracked sidewalks (in need of repair.)......This is the picture
postcard view......

However under Main Street, there is no sewer line for human
waste, no water supply lines and no storm sewers for rain
water.......If you want to repair your house you are required
to install a septic tank, as many houses do not.......Household
sewage just drains into the ground and leaches.......I will not
get into what happens on Main Street after a day or two of
heavy rain......

Surrounding this Jabunyaville are tens of new sub-divisions all
with water and sewer lines......All installed by the developers.....
And yet none of the of these new revenues and taxes ever
find there way to 'olde mainstream' America......It is truly
a shame......Pumps.....

Friday, April 14, 2006


The White Line

Down the center of most every road is a 'white line'......This
being Good Friday it is only fair that this 'white line' should
be used to reflect on the day.....

Years ago everyone had a 'white line' in his/her life.....It
came from religion - Christian, Jewish or Whatever......You
did what the line told you and stayed in the middle of the
road.....You watched for dashes (permitting a little gamble)
and double lines (prohibiting adventures)......

Someone else drew the line and you lead your life by it......
In today's world most of that logic is gone.....It has become,
do as you 'well please' and F the line......(Some actual car
drivers do this.)......However there is some hope.....

It is beginning to appear that the youngest of the generations
now is seeking for that 'white line'.....Let's face it having one
in one's life doesn't really hurt....In fact, at times, it may help......

For all of us, who have obeyed the 'white line' and other road
signs of life, it is comforting to know that another generation,
on the horizon, will be following in our footsteps of sanity.....

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Primero de Mayo

Good olde May First.......For you 'young'ins' a day that does
not mean anything at all.......For those olde enough to
remember, every piece of marching 'film' footage shown on
the History Channel, showing armies and rockets was
taken in Russia, Cuba, (Communist) East Germany, during
their May (1st) Day Parades......

Yep us WWII generation and some of the 60's crowd do
remember the olde May Day Parades, which have disappeared
from the world scene, except in some odd ball places, after the
collapse of Soviet Russia and the Berlin Wall........

Seems that parades will be resurrected in the 'odd ball'
place of the United States, by some social groups trying to
advance their cause for illegal immigration reform,
this year......

Since times have changed, I will miss the tanks, field cannon
and the ballistic missiles in the parade route......Pumps

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Cinco de Mayo #2

My blog of 5/5/5 referred to the marketing aspects of May 5th
and the promotion of Mexican food and beer......

Well one year has passed and I am wondering what effect
the recent immigration problems with have on the
advertising efforts of the companies which have been
able to promote 'this date' for an increase in the sale
of their products.......

This year corporate advertising for this quasi-holiday,
may either fuel the immigration controversy or may have a
'back-lash' effect and result in lower sales of Corona, El Paso
and Pace products, etc........

It will be interesting to see what differences there will be in
the Cinco de Mayo of 2005 and 2006.........Pumps

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Illegals And The Shadows

About 4 years ago Hispanics rented a house down the street.....
In doing so, they took possession of a structure previously
occupied by a person in the 'drug trade' .....

Some in the neighborhood were concerned about the newest
of tenants, in the olde house.....I was not because of the
'shadows'.....Their rental for the past 4 years has decreased
the number of 'patrol car' sightings, noise and clutter......
Because of the 'shadows', an environment in which they
want to live.......

Years ago it was called "Don't make waves"......As long as
they feel, that as illegals, they have something to lose, they
will exist in the 'shadows'......Should that status ever end
one day, it will be come known as the "Day of the Pinata"....

Monday, April 10, 2006


Poor Hamas

"Show me the money", became a classic line in a Tom Cruise
movie years ago......Hamas, a not nice organization in the
middle east which does bad things, has won what it wanted....
CONTROL of Gaza, etc......It has succeeded in its goals and

It seems that for all these years this organization has been
fighting 'for the people'......But the people have been
supported by someone else......It is like a divorced woman
who marries a poor man, for love, and in doing so gives up
her rich ex-husband's alimony payments.....

Poor Hamas......Seems that no one in the world wants to
give them more money......I guess that since they spent the
last few millions that they got on blowing up people and
things, that no one wants to give them anymore.....

But let us look at the positive side.....THEY WON.....Pumps

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Baby-Boomers & The Counter Generation

I just read a 'blog' by a baby-boomer who remembers all the
'good olde times' of the Woodstock days......How simple it
was, etc.....Every generation has their 'good olde days' and
always will.....People always remember the good and let
the bad fade away, like an olde soldier.......

Since I am older than a 'boomer', this story should be told
about the 'good olde days'.....While running an 'Inn" in
Vermont, I hired a local band to 'play for tips and food'.....
They agreed and requested that they be picked up because
there car was in need of repair.....

Off I went one snowy night in my Ford F100 van to pick up
the 'band' some 15 miles away that were living in a commune
owned by some religious order.....Well into the van we packed
4 band members, their equipment and amps, along with 4
'maidens' and their 3 'love children'.....

Needless to say the band did play, they all ate well and took
home the leftovers......And I guess the only way the F100 got
them back, up that steep snow covered hill to their commune,
was all the weight over the rear axle.....

I suspect they remember that night as one full of fun, music.
food and joy.....To me it was a 'bitchy' night of driving 60
miles in a blinding snow storm, fortunately accident free.....
It was not one of my 'good old days'......Pumps

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Ethanol Is Here

My last post on gasoline was back on March 19th.....The subject
of that 'post' was ethanol.....Well folks it has arrived in this
corner of Jabunyaville, Virginia......The price of a gallon of gas
jumped 10 cents in one day, for regular grade......

Our great Congress decided this new ethanol additive was
best for us, and the gasoline producers have complied.....
Even though, #1 this new additive is three times the cost of
the previous one used and #2 there is not enough of it to
go around which will create a shortage and raise gasoline
prices even more.......

The next time you 'run' across someone that 'loves' the
people over at the Sierra Club......Or, you see a Sunday
morning TV advertisement for"ADM", thank them both
for their 'great' effect on the improvement of your
lifestyle......You see, in both their eyes, they are helping
us with higher gas prices.......What college course do
they teach that in?......Pumps

Friday, April 07, 2006



All of us, and I do mean ALL, have had that food or drink,
such as pizza, frankfurter, hamburger, milk shake or
ice cream that we ate and have considered the best and
the 'benchmark' for all other samplings to follow......
Especially if you have moved or relocated often......

Everybody remembers that best slice of pizza or their
best frank with the special toppings.....Since you remember,
therefore you must have that 'quest'.....That never ending
search to once again find the "Grail of Pizza"......

I believe that we all know deep down in our hearts we will
never succeed in our quest.....But, we continue on......Even
if we went back for the original, it is most likely that some
other hands are making the item and if is not "Joe's"
it can not be even considered the same.......

Our only reward it to, once in a while, settle for 'second best'.....
We accept and acknowledge that "It's not the same, but
at least it is close"......And, for a few short minutes in time,
we remember the olde days and are once again happy.....

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Cynthia McKinney

Oh well, what the heck we discussed Katie yesterday.....Here
is a story of a black, female, United States Government
Congressional Representative from the State of Georgia who
got her feelings hurt by not being recognized.....

What does this adult woman do?.....She has a big temper
tantrum and 'woosie fit'.......She says a whole bunch of things
which have nothing to do with the fact that she did not wear
small ID badge while going through a 'security check point'......

After two days of screaming like a child who dropped
her ice cream cone, some of her peers have sent her to a corner
for a 'time out'.....And, there was told that if she wanted anymore
ice cream, in the future, she better behave and say that she
is sorry for making a 'scene' in public......

Don't you just love politics......It's a game of 'king of the hill'
and all the free ice cream and cake you can get for free....Pumps

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Katie Couric

Well, it has come to pass......Katie is leaving the 'Today' show
on NBC in order to advance her professional journalism
career with CBS.....She will be the female news anchor
of CBS Nightly News and also be the Managing Editor of
'60 Minutes'......

While it is being reported, that she will be taking a 'slight'
pay cut in the transfer, I suspect that there will be enough
perks and other benefits to make up the difference if not
exceed her previous financial arrangements......

I doubt that she will be able to raise the ratings of the CBS
Night News sufficiently to cause her ex-network any damage
in the 'ratings game'......What I do expect is some real
'hardball' at her '60 Minutes' position......Miss 'Perky' Katie
will now have to tangle with the likes of Rather, Stahl, Kroft,
Safer, Bradley and Rooney.....

I expect that the 'ex-peacock' will suffer some feather
damage and get her 'diva' image bruised......Pumps

Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Today, I receive a piece of "Charity Contribution" mail from one
of the major organizations......The same one that 'shafted' me
about ten years ago......

Every now and then one of the major television news networks
does a 'in depth' piece on the internal workings of charitable
organizations......I think that this week the Red Cross is in the
'soup' again on one of the networks......

Well my case was slightly different and 'individual'.....It was
just a simple matter of having some 'handling company',
employed by the charity in question, physically alter a hand
written check.....This meant when the check cleared my bank
it was altered to read a LARGER amount than I had written
the check for, in the first place......They withdrew more
money from my banking account that I authorized......

Needless to say this one incident has in turn ALTERED my
view of donating money to charities.......Pumps

Monday, April 03, 2006


The Berated Entrepreneur

Throughout history there has been the Upper, Middle and Lower
classes of society....Nothing has changed.....There are the Super
Rich, the 'We got somethings' and lastly.....'We got nothings'.....

There has always been individuals who did not like the 'class'
that they were in.....(This does not apply to the Super Rich.)....
And, as these people moved up the "ladder of class" they became
known as an ' entrepreneur'......(It should mean "one who
escapes", but I doubt it does.)......

The Super Rich have always become NIMBYs.....They do not want
anyone to upset their 'applecart'......In these modern days, the
poor entrepreneur has to contend with the not the NIMBYs but
the GOVERNMENT.......

Start a business and you need a lawyer, CPA, business manager
and they will watch your tax and compensation payments, profit
and loss statements and marketing strategies......And all this
means more overhead......

A simple child's 'lemonade" stand may need a 'vendor's street'
permit of $50.00.....Resulting in the end glass of 'lemonade'
costing $54.50 .........Call a plumber in lately?........Pumps

Sunday, April 02, 2006


New Orleans Major Media

After "Katrina" every major news channel set up a "bureau"
in New Orleans in order to report the progress of the repairs
and rebuilding of that town......I suspect that the personnel
from this media are eating in the 50% of the restaurants
which reopened in the French Quarter......

Well let us see how long the Major Media continues to absorb
the "expense reports" of its news reporters.......I suspect not
too long......

It is now being said that New Orleans will not be rebuilt for
another 25 years.....The town was built on 'flood plain', acre
by acre, over the past 200 years.....No quick fix here.....The
modern bureaucratic government structure vs special interest
groups could delay the rebuilding to 50 years......

The 'chefs' have returned to feed the people......It is a pity
the 'politicians' did not leave with the 'flood exodus'......It will
once again become Andrew Jackson's little town.....Pumps

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Here We Go Again

This blog has mentioned, 78 records, LP records, 8 Tracks,
Cassettes and finally CDs.....These are all changes in audio
technology......Now there is about to be another change in
visual technology......

In the early days of TV CBS had one format and NBC had
another.....NBC won......In the early days of visual recording
there was Beta vs VHS......We all know that VHS won......
Now we are in the digital age and VHS has been replaced by

Sorry to tell you, folks, DVD is going to change also......Toshiba
Co. of Japan has a HD DVD format which is competing with
Panasonic/Sony's Blu-ray format......

One of them will win the market and the new 'format' will be
universal to the general public......Question, will all those DVDs
that you have been buying to replace the VHS tapes work on
either of these new formats?........To complicate matters, the major
motion picture companies are divided as to which format to
support.....It should be another mess that will cost the
consumer more money.....

Today the quest has been the viewing of the 'perfect moving
picture' for home use......One hundred years ago it was the
quest for the perfect soap in order to produce the perfect
body smell......And so life goes on.......Pumps

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