Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Billing Cycles

Every month you get bills in the mail......And, all these bills
usually come in the same sequence.....Certain bills always
arrive by mail during the first week of the month, others
during the second, third or fourth week......Every month
the same cycle......

Well what happens when a bill does not arrive, in the mail,
during the normal monthly cycle.......If you call the company
up their little computerized phone system says you owe
the money.......Their "humans" say that they mailed the
bill.......Now where does the responsibility lie.......

Again, "It is your fault".......

Don't pay a bill, that you never got in the first place, and
it is on your credit record.......They can not prove they mailed
it.....The Postal Service knows nothing.....Any you can not
prove you did not receive it.......The perfect "Catch 22".....

Drove 26 miles and paid the non-received bill, prior to its
"due date"......Nice lady said, "Well sometimes things just
happen"........Tell "happen" to your credit score companies......

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Damn Taxes

I do not care how young or old you are, taxes are a great stress
on the human mind and body......

You do them yourself, you can have someone else do them
for you or you buy some expensive computer software to do
them......In any case you have to produce all the right numbers
in the right form, on the right lines or else some under worked,
over (holiday) paid bureaucrat will be "all over" your little
butt......"I am sorry sir/miss but your entry on line "43a"
does not seem to reconcile with our form 1099d, or i, or r,
or m.".........What ever.........

It seems the bureaucratic governments of the world have
designed forms which even their own bureaucrats can not
read.......And always remember, "It is your fault".......

Take a tranquilizer when it is all over and enjoy the
succeeding 12 months......Pumps

Monday, February 26, 2007


Renewable Fuels

Did I miss something in High School......."Renewable" means
something that is "made anew or grown again"......

The State of Minnesota has classified "renewable" as fuel
in the forms of wind, water and solar......They want all of the
State to run of these fuels by 2025.......


Granted coal and oil are fossil fuels and when they are removed
from the core of the earth are gone, until the next
dinosaur life/death cycle.......But who has ever replanted wind,
water and the sun?.......

It seems that the engineers have a long way to go to harness
these three "renewable" sources......The last time wind and
water were harnessed, to any benefit, it was to mill grain.......

Just think in Minnesota in 2025 every time you flush the toilet
you will activate a little waterwheel which will recharge the
batteries under your house so you can watch your super sized
TV screen with Dolby 15.9 surround sound, that is if the sun is
out that day to provide more energy......It is usually windy on
cloudy days.......Pumps

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Once Upon A Time #23

When I came home from school back in '42, I turned on my
little almond colored Arvin radio and listened to adventure
stories for children.....Hop Harrigan, Captain Midnight,
The Lone Ranger, etc.......

Then in '52 came the black and white television.......Boy!
What a change.......Now you could watch a screen just like
in the movies.......'65 the black and white changed into
color, except for the old nighttime movies where were still
shown in black and white......

Today we are told that our lives are not complete without
the latest electronic sound or vision.......You need a Bose or
an Ipod.......You need a HiDef LCD or Plasma TV to be
fulfilled......Any less then the best and your are cheating
your sensory organs.......Bull I say........

Sound is sound and vision is vision......Your mind will accept
it in any form......It is the lack of them that effects
"one's" life not the quality of them.......

Should I mention that I swallowed the small round "compass"
end to my Long Ranger's Silver Bullet.......I did find a piece
of fetal matter pointing North a few days later and survived....

Friday, February 23, 2007


Goodby Little Harry Potter

Well it looks like the Harry Potter book series is going to come
to an end.....It has had its "run" just as Sherlock Holmes and
other fictional characters.......

However Mr. Daniel Radcliff, the screen Harry Potter, has turned
out to be a quite intelligent actor.......Rather that being type-cast
for the rest of his life, as other child actors have, with their
youthful "parts"........Mr. Radcliff had decided to go on a London
stage and play a "part" which requires him to be naked.......

Good show, olde man.......I say......No better way to avoid being
stuck with a childhood image than to go out in front of the
world and show off your true "manly-hood"........

A real "rite of passage"........Pumps

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Poor Olde Ancient Rome

Yes the Latin language is "dead", just used by some scholars
or Roman Catholic priests......But some of their olde philosophy
seems to be "dying" also......What has ever become of
"When In Rome, Do As The Roman's Do".........

If "one" decides to cross a "national" border it has always been
accepted that you took your culture with you......After all it was
"yours"......Now it seems that along with the culture "one"
wants the right to bring his/her laws..........Not only to be used
in the governing of "one" but "one's" adopted "others".......

Little by little, migrant peoples are moving from one land to
another, around the world.......It is fine to bring "one's" culture
with you, as you would a piece of luggage......But, to demand
acceptance of "one's" social laws is wrong.......

If, "When In Rome, Do As The Roman's Do" was good enough
2000 years ago......It should be good enough today.....
Us humans have not progressed that much.....Pumps

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It's Ironic

Having worked at one time for a company headquartered
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I am fully aware that, during
working days with sub-freezing temperatures, the
employees of many companies are allowed to leave their
desks or work stations, during a "break" to warm up
their vehicles at 3PM in the afternoon......This assures that
their cars or trucks will start at 5PM, the end of the business
day, and off to home they will happily go.......

Well the President of the University of Minnesota is
considering giving a Honorary Doctorate in Climatology to
Al Gore for his "work" on Global Warming........

I wonder if the award will presented to Mr. Gore in the town
of International Falls,MN?.......The coldest town in the United

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


2030 The Robot Driven Car

Yep, some scientist has said that 2030 is the year for a
robot driven car......

When I was about 5 years old, I went to the 1939 New York
Worlds Fair.........General Motors had a big exhibit which
showed the world some 50 years into the future......Guess
what they had?......Robot driven cars in that exhibit......

Well the 1980s have come and gone and all the driving public
has seen is the SUV and the Hybrid.......All being driven by
non-attentive humans on cell phones or eating McDonalds.....

I doubt if the future human could handle a robotic vehicle......
What would "one" do with his/her road rage?.......Of course
you could telephone others, eat and apply makeup all at
one time but you would get to your destination when the
"robot" said so.......And, if you "hurt" the "robot" the
vehicle would not run at all........Further exacerbation.......

Nope won't work......Pumps

Monday, February 19, 2007


Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

I do love these bulbs and have been buying them since they
became available.......#1 - They use less electricity for the
light they produce and #2 - they last longer and do not burn
out as quickly......Their "down side" is that they will not work
on any kind of "dimmer" device and will blink if they are
controlled by an "On-Off" wall switch which has a "lighted"

When they first became available, several years ago, no one
bought them......Then the price per bulb dropped......Now since
these bulbs are one of the "cure-alls" for Global Warming, the
price has jumped higher once more.......And, as always the
"pundits" say the more bulbs that people start to buy, the
more the price will come down......Do not hold your breath.....

The State of California wants to "outlaw" the incandescent
bulb and Australia is following suit.......But let's face it, while
the compact fluorescent bulb does have its benefits in many
uses it will not replace Edison's incandescent.......

As an example, everyone in the world has yet to have a
"low-flush" toilet which was supposed to help save water.....
If any of that water was saved it has shown up in the
supermarket isle in a plastic bottle that rarely gets recycled......

Where is the true ecology?........Pumps

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Global Warming Indoctrination

There are many people in the world trying to convince other
people in the world that the current warming of the earth
surface will be the ultimate doom of the Homo Sapien....

It appears that the majority of the adult minds on this planet
either do not believe in this theory or do not care......So
the followers of the GW theory are beginning to expound
their philosophy to the children, and others of a "younger"
mind....(Brings me back to the German teachings of WWII)....

Recently there have been alternate "theories" for the warming...
Some attribute it to the activity of the Sun itself......Others to
CO2 and other gasses......And then there is the latest,
"dimethylsulfoniopropionate" a marine algae or bacteria......

Let us just face the fact......No one really knows why the
temperature of the earth has risen .05C in the last one
hundred years.........May I suggest a broken thermometer.....

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Political Butts

As you grow older the idealism of youth slowly fades away or,
if you are a western movie buff, just "rides" over the nearest
hill into the sunset.....

It is in these "later" years that you begin to realize that no
one in politics really give a damn about YOUR butt......
All they are concerned about is THEIRS......

In ancient societies and in some modern ones, political business
is conducted by the "bribe"......(If you want a new toilet then
"bribe" the plumbing inspector -- you get my "drift").......

As soon you elect someone to a position of power, their
first priority is their own BUTT........No yours, theirs.......
Now they will do anything to keep you a happy, placated
voter......."Elect me again, I am your friend and will help you
in life's struggle"......BULL.......

And let's remember that "sunset" again.......If these people
do lose their office they "ride" away with every "social,
medical and financial" benefit package available......

Not bad for a "bullshit" job in the first place......Pumps

Friday, February 16, 2007


Snow Angles

What is with making "Snow Angles" in the newly fallen
snow?.......It seems that this is something every young
child wants to do when it snows.......Parents on TV all say
that what their kids love to do best in the snow is to
make "Snow Angles"........

Where did this new winter activity come from?.......Sure
as (you know what), why does a kid want to lay in the
snow on his/her back and move their arms and legs
back and forth......The result being snow in your "butt
crack" or down your socks......

Maybe, that since I was brought up in the city, trying
to do that on a city street could get you run over......
It seemed that sledding, snow balls and, in a good snow
fall, snow castles seemed to be a better thing to do.....

I suspect that "Snow Angles" are the result of some
court legation......Kids can get hurt playing with a sled,
snow balls or in a snow castle.....What a loss of good

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Tropic Of Capricorn

I never could remember if Cancer or Capricorn was the line
on the map that went through the Northern Hemisphere.......

Well the Sun is leaving Sydney Australia and is heading
north.......In about 6 weeks it will be over the equator and
it will be spring.......Southern Australia will be getting ready
for their skiing season......

The Tropic of Cancer is in the Northern Hemisphere
and on June 21st the Sun will reach it and then turn
around to go the other way.......

For now I am happy that the Sun is coming this way.....It
means longer days and smaller heat bills......

Next, I have to figure out the Cape of Good Hope and
Cape Horn.......Pumps

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Truth Is Dead

I have come to the conclusion that TRUTH does not exist
anymore.....It has been relegated to being just another
word in a thick dictionary.......

If you are in a court, you must swear on the Bible to tell
the TRUTH......What people then do is tell "their version"
of the TRUTH......The prosecution presents their "version"
and then the defense present theirs.......The jury then has
to decide which "version" is the REAL TRUTH.......

If TRUTH were TRUTH than both parties in a court case
would say the same thing.......

Just look at this Anna Nicole Smith "mess".......What is the
TRUTH????......No one will say, yet each person involved
in this story will insist that they know and are speaking
the TRUTH.......After many years of forthcoming legation
a judgement or a number of judgements will be made......
Then books will be written, in historical fashion, to
document the story.....No where will the WHOLE TRUTH
ever be truly known.......Just various "versions".....

Like I said, TRUTH IS DEAD..........Pumps

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It's All About The Money

Whether is was the Romans conquering Gaul, the African
Slave trade (at both ends) or now Starbucks Coffee in China,
everything in the world runs on money.......The quest for
it, or what as some call it "greed"..........

No matter what business, social or political discussion you
undertake, somewhere at the "bottom of it all" is money......
Even in a Communistic society, while "all for one and one
for all is the creed", there is always money at the "top" of the
societal pyramid.....

Pelosi got her government airplane because as a prominent,
rich person she can save more "money" on her traveling
expenses.......Kim Jong-Il, in Korea, will stop his nuclear
reactors because someone is going to give him "money".....
Any teenager will quit one job for another just to make
more, you got it, "money".......And, before "money" it must
have been the size of your cave and the number of dried
skins you had......

While I do not agree with, "Money is the root of all evil".....
I do agree with " Money is the root"........Pumps

Monday, February 12, 2007


The English Acting Ethic

It just amazes me that there seems to be a big difference
between the "work" of English and American actors......
Admittedly there are some American actors which will
follow the "English model" but they are rare and few.....

An English actor, it seems, leaves "stage work" and
proceeds into TV and movies.......Let's face it, there is
more money to be made in these venues......

What gets me is that it not uncommon to see an English
actor portray 2-4 different characters on 2-4 different
TV shows (throw in a movie or two) in one year......
They just go from one job to another like a typical
journeyman plumber or carpenter......

I just get the feeling that an American actor wants to do
one, or maybe two, projects a year and then wait for
award season........Am I wrong?.......Pumps

Sunday, February 11, 2007


To Be A Judge

I have come to the personal opinion that "judges do not like
to JUDGE".......

When a legal case gets "sticky" the judge or judges seem
to "pass the buck".....They will not make a "judgement" until
they get all the facts, so they can make a "proper and honest"

It appears that to be a judge you have to "keep the ball in
the air" for as long as possible......Unless they are dealing
with "previous and simple" matters, then they "judge by
rote"....(Traffic Court for example).....

But when it comes down to making a decision, the judges
can't judge.....Even the United Supreme Court is a consensus
of the best of 7.......The lawyers just make a fortune of this

Saturday, February 10, 2007


A Can Of Soup

If you have yet to notice, the price of groceries has gone up in
recent months......Not just meat, but that stuff that comes in
cans and boxes.......And it seems to be "across the board".....
Even the regular "sale" items are 10%-20% higher.....

Now back to the can of chunky soup.......A local "top of the
line" fancy food chain here in Jabunyaville is charging, on
sale, $1.99 for that can of soup......For that price, it will be
bagged and hand carried to the trunk of your car by a
service employee of the supermarket......Remember now
it costs $1.99......

The local, we sell everything at discount store, is selling the
soup for $1.50.......

The everyday, "run of the mill" supermarket chain is selling
the soup for $1.25 a can with their sale pricing......

And finally, WalMart is selling the soup for $1.17 a can......

I personally do not like WalMart because it can make me
claustrophobic and there is no respect for senior citizens
in the parking lot, but this pricing of one can of soup does
define shopping options.......

The less of a shopping "hassle" you want the more the items
will cost......I will have to petition for more Social Security
money so I can pay $1.99 and get full service......

Friday, February 09, 2007


Goodbye Vickie Lynn Hogan

Poor little Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern.......

As always social gossip has replaced world and local news
on the front page and on TV stations.......A little baby, with
a possible worth of over 400 million dollars, now is Page One....

Miss Hogan aka Anna Nicole Smith has left a little "residue"
in her death......Countless hours of legal fees, court dates,
court challenges and judgements......Estate "A" will now
fight Estate "B"......

What will ever become of Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern
no one really knows......She could receive a financial windfall
or perhaps not......For now the only thing in her favor is
that at her current age she is oblivious to the future.......And
some judge has to decide that her diaper change is worth

Thursday, February 08, 2007


It's All Our Money

Today's news had a story about a philanthropic organization
which was attempting to raise money for a new "help
program".....The reporter's words where that some of the
needed funds would "Come from the Federal Government
and the rest from the Tax Payers".....

The above statement was confusing enough because the
Federal Government is supported by the Tax Payer.....
What he really meant was the "Federal Government and
Corporate and Individual contributions"......

But the bottom line is that no matter where the money
comes from to support this "organization", it is "Our"
money whether it be as a Tax Payer, an Individual or
Corporate funds diverted from the employee by decreased
wages, bonuses and stock dividends......

If it were not for "Our" money the Federal Government
and the Organization would not exist and the reporter would
be writing obituaries in stead of "breaking news".....Pumps

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The Basketball Rim

Has anyone noticed that most basketball players, in their
exuberance after making "two points", have a tendency
to hang from the basketball rim for a few seconds......

Lately in the game of American football, players have been
penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct if they perform
certain "antics" after making a "touch down" points.......

Considering all the basketball "backboards" being broken
with players hanging off its rim, I suggest that any points
scored by a player be negated for "rim hanging"......
If these athletes want to swing off something they should
have competed in the gymnastic parallel bars......Pumps

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Blog #646

I sat before an empty white screen, void of any verbiage, until
I read two comments on some recent blog entries......

I think it is about time to say thanks to my small group of
readers.....Notably Ursula, Jim, Gerry and recently Biotress.....
I suspect there may be a few others but not too many more....

This Blog was started for the main purpose of having something
to do, since I am retired......It also offered me a chance to "blow
off some steam" (not good to yell at the wife) and to express
the opinion of a "simple common man"......I went to school
from K-12, then to work......Not a man of great knowledge,
travel or experience, just your everyday "Joe Six Pack".......

Most "Bloggers" have an agenda or ax to grind......I just verbally
"spit".......No sense at getting mad at things.....Learned years
ago that it is tough to solve a lot of things, but expounding on
a little annoyance really doen't hurt anyone.....

Thanks again to my "valued devoted few"......You are greatly

Monday, February 05, 2007


Life Is A Game Of Marbles

Yep, somewhere about the age of 6 or 7 you realized that you
had a bag of marbles.....If you took these marbles "into the
world", you would either get more marbles in your bag or
less marbles......These were the developing years of life.....
(To seek refuge from this struggle there was always -
Captain Midnight, on the radio)......

If you convert the news stories of today, it is all about marbles....
One CEO has got more marbles than another CEO.....Or some
politician says, "He/She can't have that many marbles"......
Yet some politicians want more marbles than they......

Years ago, if you wanted more marbles, you had to work for
them by finding and cleaning out an olde Coke bottle for its
2 cent deposit.....Can you imagine seeing a CEO or politician
doing that today?.......Pumps

Sunday, February 04, 2007



Here I sit in my 70's wondering what ever happened to the
"paperless world" we were told that we would be living in,
back in 1980......

"Our lives would be less stressful because the computer would
revolutionize our lives".......Well what has the computer done?......

#1 There has to be a "printed hard copy" of all computer
transactions, just in case the computer does fail......
#2 You have to go out and buy a shredder to "destroy" all
the information on your computerized "paper" printout.....

Thank God someone is still growing trees.........Pumps

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Human Adaptability

The global warming "chicken littles" are once again on the loose
with the new UN Report.......

It seems that the History Channel constantly is showing
programs of ancient societies which have survived heat, flood,
famine and nowhere in the TV show is there any mention
of the "outside temperature" during those days........

While the Egyptians enjoyed the warm sands, the pre-Norse
enjoyed the snow and each adapted to the climate in which
its social society existed........

The recent climate change of .07C has the earth's population
doomed.......Ever think that if it got too warm where you
lived, that you would move further north to be cooler.......

Come to think of it are people leaving Florida because of
the heat or high insurance rates????........In any case
it shows their adaptability......Pumps

Friday, February 02, 2007


New Faces of 2007

Has anyone noticed that all the "new faces" are getting the
political "play" by the national media these days......

I believe that it has come to pass that all the "old faces"
just have to much political baggage and too many skeletons
in their closets to be trusted......

It seems that if you want to be in politics today and get
anywhere, you have to be "Mr. Clean".......And let's fact it,
there ain't any........Once you enter the arena of
politics you get dirty.......Just like dropping the value of
a new car by driving it off the dealer's lot........

I suspect that a cloistered monk, should he ever run for
a political office, would be declared a alcoholic for having a
glass of wine with his dinner every night......


Thursday, February 01, 2007


Florida Orange Juice

Has anyone noticed the jump in Florida orange juice prices?.....

Fact #1: The cold temperatures in California effected the
quality of the orange crop......

Fact #2: California oranges are used as follows......90% are
used as whole fruit and 10% are used for juice.......

Fact #3: What does this have to do with the price of Florida

Maybe we should have a Congressional investigation....Pumps

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