Sunday, June 29, 2008


The Soup Line

There are many pictures of the "soup lines" which
existed after the stock market crash of 1929......There
are also many movies about the struggle to "make
it through" those days.......

Well today, in 2008, people are comparing the
current times to those in the past........

The only lines today were for the movies
theaters where people spent $100 million dollars
just to go and see two movies which were
released this weekend......

I did not see anyone on line with a cup in
his/her hand which could hold soup.....Pumps

Friday, June 27, 2008


Catalog Sales

Expect a resurgence of the olde Catalog, which
is delivered by mail.......For the past few years
the "catalog business" was dying because it
seemed everybody could drive a few miles to
purchase the items "contained therein".....

This is no longer true.....

The price of gas will effect how may miles
people will go to shop.......(Just like my
bedpan - see earlier post) It may be cheaper
to buy it on the "net" or via a "catalog" than
to get in you car and drive 30-50 miles to
buy it......

I hope this modern day American society
is prepared to handle the life style change
which will befall it.......As for us olde
"geezers", we have been through it before
and will handle it just fine.....Pumps

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The Pundit Generation #2

On April 30th of this year, I wrote a blog on the
"Pundits" being used by the 24/7 TV media......

I said that they were a new class of people just
making an extra buck and that they did not
know anything, of which they spoke.......

Well today has a three page story
confirming my earlier opinion......Case in point,
a speech writer for a now retired Senator has
a TV title of "strategist".....If that word is
not used then you are an "analyst".....

Years ago the public received NEWS......Today
they are receiving DRIBBLE.......Pumps

Monday, June 23, 2008


Bus To The Beach

Here in Virginia, someone has come up with a
modern and novel idea......Take people from the
city to the beach by bus......And, with gasoline
at $4.00 a gallon, or better, it has attracted

For the sum of $45.00, if you are over 21 years
of age, you can be driven 100 miles and back
for a beach "outing"......Convenient yes, novel

I hate to inform everyone, but years ago when
no one owned a car, the whole family would
get on the bus and go to the beach......In
some instances it may have been a trolley....

Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride and it
appears that the same is happening again.....

Funny how things do not really change much.....

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The Puppeteers

The puppeteers have found their puppet....His
name is Barack H. Obama, the current
bi-racial presumptive candidate for being
the next president of the United States......

Well, it is beginning to appear that the people,
who are now holding the "strings", of their
puppet, are feeling a great sense of power.....

No longer are the original ideals of Mr.
Obama, of any consequence, but rather
he has provided an "avenue" for many
others to reach their "power goals" in
the American political process......

Barach and Michelle will become nothing
more than "Punch and Judy"....Pumps

Friday, June 20, 2008


The Elevator Starter

Years ago before the "automatic elevator" an
elevator operator would operate the device and
let you on or off the floor, in the building, you

In larger buildings where there were "banks"
of elevators, there was a man who controlled
traffic and "loading" of elevators....He was
known as a "starter"......He would make sure
that an elevator, when it made its way up the
building, was as full as possible.........

Well most elevator "operators" and "starters"
are now gone.....One person can now take
an elevator ride.......

What a waste of energy.....The "starter" made
sure the elevator was as full as possible prior
to sending it on its vertical journey.......

I think it is time to bring back the "starter"
so that all elevators perform "green" and at
their maximum efficiency......People should
be required to wait, like in the olden days,
until the "elevator cab" was full prior to
making its vertical accent......What a saving
of energy that would be......

Yeah, try to tell someone to wait these days......


Sunday, June 15, 2008



For medical reasons, I have had need for a
solid, stainless steel bedpan......And so I
found one and had it shipped to my home.....

Interesting fact is that this bedpan was
made in Pakistan.....The news tells me that
this a part of the world which is in constant
upheaval and almost war like......But yet
they make bedpans, and of a good quality,
I might add......

What also gets me is the fact that this
bedpan is "my size"......Who knew that
someone in Pakistan had the same size
butt as mine?......Strange world is it not.....

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Blessed Are Those --

--Who Go Around In Circles, Because They
Will Be Known As Big Wheels.......

I just love politicians, especially liberal
ones.....Here in Virginia our Democratic
Governor favors the use of less gasoline
and other fossil fuels.....Well, with the
price of gasoline over $4.00 a gallon he
has gotten wish.......People are using
less gasoline.......

Now he is complaining that since people
are driving less the State of Virginia is
receiving less TAX money on gasoline
purchases.......Now there are TAX
"shortfalls"....."Oh where to get additional
TAX money, to fix the roads?"......

Answer: Less miles dived means less
cars on the roads.....Less cars means
less road and bridge damage and
therefore less repairs.....Simple.....And,
I ain't to Governor to figure that problem

Thursday, June 12, 2008


American Beef

A few days ago there was a video TV report
which showed a large group of South Koreans
protesting the importation of American
beef into their country.......They still have
fears of what was called "mad cow disease"......

Well if the people in Seoul Korea do not
want our beef why not just place it on the
US market?......Sell the beef in the States.......

Don't hold your breath.......That would
increase the supply of beef and drop the
price......Heaven forbid the price of
domestic beef should be lowered.....Pumps

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Medical Answers

I have experienced some medical problems,
recently......We are all had them.....We have
all sat in the doctor's office only to get twenty
seconds of his valued time......

If you want any answers you have to push
the nurse.....A Nurse Practitioner is even
better......For some reason the nurse will talk
to you.....Maybe it is a legal thing, these

If you want a "straight" answer, try the
nurse......If not become a "a pain in the ass"
and insist on it.......They know when you
are thinking "lawyer"......Pumps

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Politican Respite

At last a "breather" from all the political garbage
that has been reported and broadcast on the
24/7 cable networks......

Hillary has backed down and Obama and
McCain will just continue to mumble their
thoughts to a whole bunch of people who
really do not care......The election is in
November and this is beach and BBQ time.....
They have the price of gas to worry about....

Enjoy the summer while you can....The
"political season" will soon be upon us
once again.......Pumps

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Weather Words

After watching TV meteorologists, weathermen,
all these years, I am still confused with their
reporting of a bad storm or a tornado......

They say a tornado WATCH is in effect......
They say a tornado WARNING is in effect.......

Both words start with the letter "W"......It is
confusing.....Which is the more sever of the
two words......They almost mean the same to
the "general public"......

Why do they not change to WATCH and
ALERT.......At least you will instantly
understand the meaning of the two words
when they are spoken......Pumps

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