Monday, October 31, 2005


Helpful Hint

A few years back, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved
the polarization of the "household" two prong electrical plug.....
In doing so, one prong was made larger than the other.....
The plug would go into the wall receptacle or socket only one

In today's world many people possess different electrical
appliances.....Some sit on a counter and are plugged in all the
time.....IE: microwave, toaster, coffee maker......And, a number
of appliances are plugged in when needed....IE: hand mixer,
electric knife, George Forman grill......

For those "as needed" appliances, you can mark the electric
plug if "white" with a black magic marker dot and those which
are "black" with white "liquid paper" dot.....This way the you
can quickly determine which way the plug easily fits into the
socket......Works for me.....Pumps

Sunday, October 30, 2005


TV Listings

One of Pumps' greatest perplexities is the TV listings in the
newspaper when the time change from Daylight Savings
to Standard occurs......

Your local paper will list TV programming for every half-hour
on the half-hour......12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30,
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and 5:30......

At 2:00 in the morning, the time goes back to 1:00AM......
There is no evidence of any change of time in the TV listing....
There is no extension or reduction of "show" times....An hour
show runs for an hour and is followed by another hour show.....
I wish I knew how they did that......Pumps

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Life In Jabunyaville

Well gasoline is slowly getting down to $2.00 a gallon.....
The pre-holiday shoppers are out in force.....And all is
once again well in the land of Jabunyaville.....

The hurricane season is drawing to a close.....The oil
companies have made their profits.....The media is
no longer touting doom.....And the "Chicken Little"
movie is in theaters.....

Our local retailers have started their "Christmas
Season" early....It will be tough to find a turkey amongst
the snowmen.....The retailers will complain, just like the
oilmen, that they are not making money or meeting
sales projections....But all, once again, is well in

Friday, October 28, 2005



Years ago you could only find this Mexican flat bread in
Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Colorado.....

Over the past 20 years ago these pieces of bread have
become available in many supermarkets.....First you
found 6 inch and 10 inch flour tortillas and also 6 inch
corn tortillas.....

Well like any other food product the tortilla has become
Americanized......The 6 inch size has now become the
"restaurant" or "fajita" size.....The 10 inch the "burrito"
size......American taste has not accepted the 6 inch corn
product and now they are packaged for Mexican households

The 10 inch flour tortilla is now made in various "flavors"
and are sold as "roll-ups".....And, today, you can not tell
the difference between an Indian chapati and a tortilla.....
What is the future for this new American bread?....Pumps

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Shopping Coupons

Every Sunday you open up the newspaper and out
falls one or two sections of grocery coupons.....

Many years ago the food industry tried to stop offering
them.....It costs money to print and process these little
pieces of paper......It would be a great corporate savings...
But, alas, it did not come to pass......

Coupons are still printed, mostly to introduce a new item
or sustain the "market share" of an older one.....With
all the expenses involved in the "coupon world" the
manufacturers are still happy when they get .01% of
the coupons redeemed......Thus keeping employees happy
in some "coupon redemption center" in Texas or

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Homeowner Associations

Oh good.....You are moving into a planned community with
an active homeowner's association....How nice.....For a few
extra bucks a month, on top of your mortgage payment, you
will have some security and a group of people "watching
out for things".....

Sounds nice but such is not the case in many instances.....
While you are responsible for some parts of your house,
you are not on others.....You can fix a window, but the
association must approve a change in exterior color.....
You may hang a flag, but of an approved size and placement.....

Your grass may be mowed or your deck washed but at a cost
of a yearly increase of monthly dues set by a governing body....
What you have here is a mini-bureaucratic communist
society and a lot of people do not realize it......Pumps

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Insurance Companies

No company likes to lose money.....The insurance companies
hire "actuaries" who's job it is to calculate percentages of
profit and loss obtained from percentages of "will and will
nots"......It is a a guessing game......But if they, the actuaries,
are wrong and money is lost......It's still is a guessing game.....

But now it is a guessing game as to who will pay for the
incurred losses.....I guess a struggling farmer in Minnesota
will have to pay more in order to offset some lose in Florida....

I suspect that the day will come that anyone living in a
hurricane prone area will live there at "their own risk"......
Flood plains are now insured by the US Government, will
the "hurricane" or "tornado" belts be next????.....Pumps

Monday, October 24, 2005


Good Olde Baseball

Well it is the end of the baseball season.....The World
Series is upon us.....

It is amazing that, in this sport, whether you are a
"little leaguer", play high school or college baseball,
or are in the "major leagues", the rules are the same....
The only thing that has changed in the game has been
some "protective" gear....

No matter what country you are from, in the world, and
no matter if you speak the native language or not, you
can play the game.....(After you learn the coach's hand
signals of course)......It is tough for other sports to make
this claim.....Their rules seem to change after every

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Once Upon A Time #11

Years ago there was a 25 or 50 cent vacation.....You left
your home and walked one-half of a mile to your nearest
New York City subway stop....After paying the 10 cent
fare you would spend the next hour or so on a train.....
If you wanted to ride in the daylight your transferred
to the 3rd Avenue Elevated train.....A fun ride indeed.....

Ten cents took you to the water at the tip of Manhattan
Island.....Buy a soft pretzel and, after smelling the salt
water, take another subway or El ride back home.....

When you were rich and had 50 cents it was off to
Coney Island for a hot dog and maybe an amusement
ride.....Today 50 cents buys no memories....Pumps

Saturday, October 22, 2005


HS Football

Back in the 40's and 50's high school football games were
played on Saturday afternoons.....In those days they had
to play them in the daylight because there was no
stadium lighting......

With stadium lighting and a desire to make high school
football a family affair, the games were moved to
Friday night......As of late, the post-game activities have
lead to shootings, stabbings and fights amongst the
spectators.....Guess what??.....

Some school districts are beginning to consider moving the
games back to Saturday afternoons.....This has two
advantages.....Crowd control in the daylight is easier and
secondly, it will save a huge amount of school money for the
lighting of a stadium......Pumps

Friday, October 21, 2005


Wachovia Bank

This bank is one of those smaller banks which decided to
expand into other surrounding states and become a main
player in the national banking business.....The "friendly,
local bank".....They are using the name Wachovia because
they were "friendly"....They will not use First Union, with
whom they merged a few years back, because FU was the
"FU bank" and "unfriendly".....

Make a trip to your "friendly" bank and try to take out
YOUR money......It is one thing that the banks today do
not want to give you interest, they do not want to give
you YOUR money either......

I am beginning to believe that it is easier to get on an
airplane then to get YOUR money from a bank.....They
want name, ID, thumb print just to get YOUR money.....
I wonder what you have to go through to get some of
THEIR money?........Pumps

Thursday, October 20, 2005



Whether big or small, people want to keep them green.....
Soil testing kits, lime, fertilizer, seed and maintenance
all for a green lawn that looks nice......

Lawns cost money.....In "dribs and drabs", a dollar here
and a dollar there, the cost of maintaining a nice green
lawn can run into the hundreds if not thousands of
dollars.....People will complain about gas and cell phone
service costs but never complain about throwing more
money into the "lawn".....It seems no one worries about
the price of "pretty".....Or is it keeping up with the Jones',
at any cost.....

Dirt is dirt, grass is grass.....You should keep up with it
the best you can, but I can not see giving up a good steak
dinner at your favorite restaurant just for a few brown
spots on your lawn......Pumps

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Matt Lauer

Well it is that time of the year again.....November TV "sweeps"....
In order to keep the TV ratings up, the NBC Today Show will
once again have Matt Lauer, its male morning anchor, travel
around the world.....

From Monday to Friday he will be in a different country and
standing in front of some world relic or forum reading his "cue"
cards and expounding on the local customs and geographical
beauty.....Do the "segment", shut off the camera, pack up the
gear, get on the plane, get off the plane, unpack the gear and
set up the camera for the next day......The public just loves

Since Mr. Lauer is not an underpaid employee of NBC, he is
assigned this "world hopping" chore....It is nice to see his
smiling face and hear his cheerful voice when deep down
he hates every minute of it.....He wanted out years ago but
the rating are so high and his money so good....Well it is
just bon voyage Matt.......Pumps

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Ever Notice That -

Politicians make good actors and that actors make
good politicians....No need to mention anyone by name....
We all know the politician/actors of the past, the present
and those with future ambitions.....

It does make one wonder, that when you listen to a
political speech does the author, director and producer
of the performance receive any royalities from AFTRA or

I guess the bigger questions is what the politician will
actually do in "the second act"?.........Pumps

Monday, October 17, 2005



It was bound to happen.....First came Apple Juice Cocktail,
a mixture of pure apple juice and water......Now we have
50-50 Anti-Freeze, a mixture of anti-freeze and water....

Either the price of anti-freeze has gotten so high or the
auto parts industry is trying to cater to the women.....If you
flush your system or need a little extra in your radiator
reserve, just pour it in....Do not dilute, do not add water -
it's ready to use.....

Has the human male descended down the "food chain" ladder
so far that he can no longer figure out the ratio of X amount
of water to X amount of anti-freeze to protect your vehicle's
engine to X degrees F or C????......I wonder if they will add
high fructose corn syrup to it next???.....Pumps

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Leaf Peepers

In this mad world of haste and waste, cell phones, Interstates
SUVs....At this time of the year there are parts of New
England which come to a "grinding" halt......

The road sign may denote a speed limit of 50mph but all
the cars are going at 25 to 30mph.....No longer are the
vehicle's occupants in a hurry.....No sir......To be in a
hurry will just ruin your weekend trip......Your photographs
would be blurred, if they were taken from a speeding

You see, it is the only time in the year that Nature slows
everybody down......The short period of time from when
the landscape turns from green to earth tones is known as
"foliage season".....The colors, otherwise available year
round on a picture postcard, are now there for all to see.....

A word of caution though....Beware of vehicles which will
stop on a moments notice, for a better photograph....Pumps

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Buying A Can Of Beans

Well it is Medicare Part D decision time....

When you want to buy a can of beans you go to your grocer's
advertisement or store and "price" the can of beans....Then
you go to his competition, down the street, and "price" the
can of beans there.....You can even go to a third grocer if you
wish....Now you have enough information to make an honest
and clear decision on what you want to pay for the beans.....

Such is not true with Part D.....All the insurance companies
which are offering drug plans (grocers) are telling you what
kind of service and discount they can offer on the prescription
(beans) but no where is the original cost of the drug listed.....
They may discount 5% to 25% but from what?....25% less of
unknown is still unknown.......A $7.50 co-pay to a $62.50
co-pay is nice to know but on what drug......

All this information is hidden and very difficult to ascertain.....
I suspect a lot of seniors will be pricing their beans in 2006
because their drugs will be costing more......Pumps

Friday, October 14, 2005



Many years ago I bought a house from a Priest.....At the "closing"
the Priest was asked if the house was in a "flood plain".....He
said that since he had it on the word of Moses, it was not.....And
it wasn't.....(There is a joke in there somewhere.)....

Well, New Orleans, New England and New Jersey have had their
share of flooding......Having lived in the latter two, I can attest
to the fact that the same towns flooded today have flooded in the
past.....A close friend of mine has said that New Orleans always
was prone to flooding.....

What you are hearing on TV today, from the people living in
the flooded areas is -- "We never expected it to go this high."
I guess there must be a flood plain tolerance......Pumps

Thursday, October 13, 2005



Any normal teenager does now want to learn any of the boring,
silly stuff that they teach in school....Who will ever need this
useless information?....What good is history, geography, chemistry,
physics?....BORING!....."I got Ipod tunes to listen to"......

Well, my kind souls, if you do not need the useless information
for your years in business and commerce.....If all this idiotic
stuff does not make you any money......Then consider this.....

ALZHEIMER'S......In your later years you are told to keep your
mind active with games, tests and puzzles.....Guess what?.....
All that stupid stuff, you learned years ago, now comes in
handy......Who ever "thunk" that knowing that potassium was
a metal would forestall on onset of "mental cobwebs".....Pumps

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Political Campaigns

Here in Virginia we have four weeks until Election Day arrives....
In the meantime we will be subjected to one of the most useless
political campaigns I have had the fortune to see....

Two candidates both attempting to gain one step up on the
political ladder and both thinking they deserve it just
because they are in politics.....The choice of Governor for the
State of Virginia is between "dumb and dumber".......

Since both of them will not state their own opinions and have left
the campaign in the hands of their election staff, I have concluded that
the only people who like this "comic opera" are the TV stations and
newspapers who make money off their advertisements....Pumps

Tuesday, October 11, 2005



This little country has been all over the news for the past four
and one half months.....I will not comment on that period of
time because enough has been said in the media.....

The current question is whether Aruba should be boycotted
as a vacation resort.....Tourism is a main part of their income....

My only comment is that the Americans should not send their
"little sweet angels", of any sex, who are going through their
"rite of passage" to any foreign country....A failure in performing
this "rite" can have a negative result......I wonder how may
other "Arubas" did not make the news?.....Pumps

Monday, October 10, 2005


Homemade Pizza

There is one thing about this food, if you have ever tried
to make it, and that is that it does not look or taste like
any commercial product you have bought....Any "fast
food" chain product or any frozen store bought product
bares no resemblance to what you take out of your
own oven.......

This is only one big difference though....Your homemade
product DOES taste better than the others.....The dough,
sauce, and toppings may be the same but for some reason
the commercial product never does have the "love",
which goes into your own product......

Even if it is slightly burned, at the edges, and the cheese
does not melt properly, YOUR pizza is always BETTER
than that store bought one......Funny isn't it....Pumps......

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Once Upon A Time #10

You always went to your parents for movie money....If you
were over 16 and could work then your parents allowed
you to keep some of your paycheck for movie money.....

There is a crisis in today's cinema.....Bad product, early
DVD release times and add to that gasoline prices,
expanded use of credit and all this has an effect on the
"movie money".....Just like the days of olde.....

"Mommy can I have a quarter to go to the movies?"......"No
dear, Mommy does not have the money this week", was the
usual answer....Today it is "Mommy can I have $10".....The
answer is still the same with the $10 going into household
expenses, like it did 60 years ago.....

When bowling was 25 cents a "line" and gasoline 18 cents
a gallon.....The hourly wage for 16 year olds was 65-75 cents
an hour......But when you could scrape up the movie ticket
price for two, there was always the last row of seats in the
upper balcony.....Even bad movies made money then...Pumps

Saturday, October 08, 2005


The Rains Came

And boy did they ever.....What was left of TS Tammy came up
the Atlantic coast and dumped a lot of water on Central

The exterior house painter has been able to take a break
and transfer his efforts to the interior......But the poor
landscaper......No rain, no grow.....Plenty rain, no mow.....
From dust to mud in one week......And more rain is on the
menu for next week.....

And if you think the landscapers have it bad, just think
about the poor guys in the roofing business.....Pumps

Friday, October 07, 2005


The Tin Can #2

Last July I "blogged" the subject of the "formed" tin can
which can not be opened with a can opener at its bottom....
This style can prevents the contents from being pushed
out or "extruded" by opening both ends of the can.....

Well and answer has been found as to why some
manufacturers have decided to use this new style can.....

Agreed that the can is easier to stack and prevent denting
if they should fall, but the main reason for the design
change is the fact that the cans are 20% less to

I guess it is a fair trade off.....Otherwise the cans would
get smaller and have less contents, in order to same the
20%......(But I expect that to will happen next)....Pumps

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Ye Olde Men's Barber Shop

Years ago, the only time a woman stepped foot into a men's
barber shop is when she had a young boy in tow....Long gone
are the old hydraulic barber chairs, the copies of Esquire
magazines, the Daily Racing Form and cigar or cigarette
smoke which adorned these establishments.....

Where are the steaming hot towels, the straight razor leather
straps and the rose water.....All gone......It is even tough to
find a male barber these days.....

Now it's Hair Cuttery, Family Hair Care and Great Clips with
a sign on the window that says "men welcome"......The old, rough
looking, barber who could take a horse bet or the "daily number"
has been replaced by a woman....

No more smoking, no more "girlie" magazines and you better
watch your language.....The men's bastion is gone.....Pumps

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Lack Of Rain

Central Virginia has seen little rainfall during the month of
September, enough so, that there are now voluntary
watering restrictions in place in most counties.....

This lack of rainfall has effected the people in the
landscaping business....No rain, no growing grass (or weeds)...
You can now mow dust.....However there is a flip side,
as always.....The exterior house painters are very happy....
No "rain" days......

What really gets me is that the landscapers will think of
painting houses next year.....And if that happens it will
rain all summer long.....The irony of it all.....Pumps

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Repairman At Home Or Away

Anytime you request a repairman at your home or step
into his/her shop you are vulnerable if you have self-
diagnosed the problem and make your diagnosis known....
The only exception is for routine or preventative
maintenance....Once you say the "widget is stuck", you
may pay to unstick it even if it is not stuck....

You are better off saying that you just want a routine
"overall" check of equipment since you have forgotten
as to when it was last done.....Now the repairman has to
confirm your diagnosis....If anything the "playing field is
now level".....

Remember a repairman is also a salesman especially if
there is money it for him/her....No matter if it is a small
repair company or a large auto dealer, they both have
bills to pay....Service profit is key.....Pumps

Monday, October 03, 2005



Good olde Titanium Dioxide....Along with the price of gas
this little chemical is also rising in price.....But who cares....

The one thing about this chemical is that it is white when
used in a final product.....It is the major ingredient in
white paint....So what?.....It is used in white plastics....
So what?....

It is also used in tooth paste......And, if tooth paste does
become too expensive, one can always go back to using
baking soda....Pumps.....

Sunday, October 02, 2005


The Walmart Parking Lot

Walmart, in its grand plan and wisdom, has designed its
shopping facilities for the ease of entry and the pain of
exit.....Like a mouse to a trap....Enter but never leave....

The lack of cashiers is one factor in your exit and
should you succeed in accomplishing this task, the next huddle
is to leave the parking lot......Olde Sam Walton showed great
disdain for an empty lot and therefore they are designed to
retain you as long as possible.....

Add to the fact that the parking lot is built to code and that of
a "711".....The cart pushers, the "go ahead hit me" pedestrians,
the "go ahead hit me" drivers....It just does not pay to shop
there.....(This is not a unilateral opinion.).....Pumps

Saturday, October 01, 2005



From an ancient Greek root meaning of a citizen....It is nice to
know what it meant then because it does not mean that now....

A modern politician, of any sex, color, creed or race, from any
political party is a power seeker.....It is a simple as that.....And
with the power comes the money.....Even people with money
are seeking political office because it will bring them more
power.....People stay in elected offices for the retention of power...
Those that give up their political positions have realized that
their power is on the wane and retreat to a more comfortable
corner to retain the last vestiges of it.......

It is a shame that the modern citizen has to be subjected to the
trappings (ie: lies, dishonesty and "babble") of the politician in
their quest for that power.....Pumps

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