Saturday, February 17, 2007


Political Butts

As you grow older the idealism of youth slowly fades away or,
if you are a western movie buff, just "rides" over the nearest
hill into the sunset.....

It is in these "later" years that you begin to realize that no
one in politics really give a damn about YOUR butt......
All they are concerned about is THEIRS......

In ancient societies and in some modern ones, political business
is conducted by the "bribe"......(If you want a new toilet then
"bribe" the plumbing inspector -- you get my "drift").......

As soon you elect someone to a position of power, their
first priority is their own BUTT........No yours, theirs.......
Now they will do anything to keep you a happy, placated
voter......."Elect me again, I am your friend and will help you
in life's struggle"......BULL.......

And let's remember that "sunset" again.......If these people
do lose their office they "ride" away with every "social,
medical and financial" benefit package available......

Not bad for a "bullshit" job in the first place......Pumps
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