Saturday, February 03, 2007


Human Adaptability

The global warming "chicken littles" are once again on the loose
with the new UN Report.......

It seems that the History Channel constantly is showing
programs of ancient societies which have survived heat, flood,
famine and nowhere in the TV show is there any mention
of the "outside temperature" during those days........

While the Egyptians enjoyed the warm sands, the pre-Norse
enjoyed the snow and each adapted to the climate in which
its social society existed........

The recent climate change of .07C has the earth's population
doomed.......Ever think that if it got too warm where you
lived, that you would move further north to be cooler.......

Come to think of it are people leaving Florida because of
the heat or high insurance rates????........In any case
it shows their adaptability......Pumps
I find it interesting that these knowledgeable people can predict what the earth will look like in 100 years, but they can't predict the weather for tomorrow with any degree of accuracy.

And has anybody considered that the earth has been warming up since the last ice age? With or without our "greenhouse gasses"?
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