Monday, February 19, 2007


Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

I do love these bulbs and have been buying them since they
became available.......#1 - They use less electricity for the
light they produce and #2 - they last longer and do not burn
out as quickly......Their "down side" is that they will not work
on any kind of "dimmer" device and will blink if they are
controlled by an "On-Off" wall switch which has a "lighted"

When they first became available, several years ago, no one
bought them......Then the price per bulb dropped......Now since
these bulbs are one of the "cure-alls" for Global Warming, the
price has jumped higher once more.......And, as always the
"pundits" say the more bulbs that people start to buy, the
more the price will come down......Do not hold your breath.....

The State of California wants to "outlaw" the incandescent
bulb and Australia is following suit.......But let's face it, while
the compact fluorescent bulb does have its benefits in many
uses it will not replace Edison's incandescent.......

As an example, everyone in the world has yet to have a
"low-flush" toilet which was supposed to help save water.....
If any of that water was saved it has shown up in the
supermarket isle in a plastic bottle that rarely gets recycled......

Where is the true ecology?........Pumps
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