Saturday, February 10, 2007


A Can Of Soup

If you have yet to notice, the price of groceries has gone up in
recent months......Not just meat, but that stuff that comes in
cans and boxes.......And it seems to be "across the board".....
Even the regular "sale" items are 10%-20% higher.....

Now back to the can of chunky soup.......A local "top of the
line" fancy food chain here in Jabunyaville is charging, on
sale, $1.99 for that can of soup......For that price, it will be
bagged and hand carried to the trunk of your car by a
service employee of the supermarket......Remember now
it costs $1.99......

The local, we sell everything at discount store, is selling the
soup for $1.50.......

The everyday, "run of the mill" supermarket chain is selling
the soup for $1.25 a can with their sale pricing......

And finally, WalMart is selling the soup for $1.17 a can......

I personally do not like WalMart because it can make me
claustrophobic and there is no respect for senior citizens
in the parking lot, but this pricing of one can of soup does
define shopping options.......

The less of a shopping "hassle" you want the more the items
will cost......I will have to petition for more Social Security
money so I can pay $1.99 and get full service......
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