Sunday, October 02, 2005


The Walmart Parking Lot

Walmart, in its grand plan and wisdom, has designed its
shopping facilities for the ease of entry and the pain of
exit.....Like a mouse to a trap....Enter but never leave....

The lack of cashiers is one factor in your exit and
should you succeed in accomplishing this task, the next huddle
is to leave the parking lot......Olde Sam Walton showed great
disdain for an empty lot and therefore they are designed to
retain you as long as possible.....

Add to the fact that the parking lot is built to code and that of
a "711".....The cart pushers, the "go ahead hit me" pedestrians,
the "go ahead hit me" drivers....It just does not pay to shop
there.....(This is not a unilateral opinion.).....Pumps
Well, this doesn't really impede my leaving, but I noticed that at my local Walmart there are 4 doors for entering and 1 for leaving. At least it's consistent with your point.
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