Tuesday, January 06, 2009


"Baby Boomers Have To Work Longer"

The above "title" has just come across my
computer screen over a news story.....The
"title" is self explanatory......We will now
have a whole generation of people and some
of their offspring crying about the state of
the world.......

Hey Boomers, you were the ones that
created the "world" that you live in......
The so called "Woodstock" generation is
only reaping what it sowed some 4o
years ago......

I will admit that the structure from the
mid-40s to the mid-60s may not have
been the best, but it was STRUCTURE.....

Well "time" has caught up with them and
they have to "pay the piper".....The Boomers
will not be able to take the day off from
work to attend a modern Woodstock
function.....They will need the money for
their medications......

As they say "payback is a bitch".....Pumps
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