Friday, November 28, 2008


The Big Job

In about 6 weeks or so, there will be a new guy
that takes over the "Big Job"......

Being president of the United States is not
a "cake walk" job......It does pay a little more
than McDonald's but you are on duty 24-7....
Your life is not your own and if you say it is
"Green" someone will say it is "Yellow".....

I am beginning to suspect that there are
"a lot of people" behind the new guy who is
taking over the "Big Job"......

The big question is that will the man, with
"a lot of people" , make him able to handle
the "Big Job"? OR will the "Big Job" dictate
the actions of the man and "a lot of people"?

In four years, along with the words of history,
someone will answer that question......In
the meantime brace yourself for the unknown...
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