Sunday, August 10, 2008


Priorities #2

During the past year a lot of people had to
adjust their financial priorities.....They
left the world of "consumption" and joined
the world of "frugality"......

Being frugal and spending money wisely
is nothing new for "olde farts"......We cut
our teeth on this financial stratagem....

I am beginning to believe that the younger
generation of boomers and X-Yers have
found out that life can be lead in a frugal
manner and that "one" does survive......
So they will continue to downsize their
spending to a certain degree and stash
a little coin or two for a rainy day......

When this happens the TV and Media
people will continue to mention and report
on a "monetary downturn" in the United
States......And of course they will have
to find a way to report that being "frugal"
is BAD.......Pumps
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