Thursday, July 24, 2008


Four Dollar Gasoline

In the United States, during the past few years,
there was a whole cadre of people who wanted
the price of gas to go up for the purposes of
saving the environment.....Their desire was to
JUST raise the price of gasoline and people
would drive less, use smaller cars and all
would be well with the earth.......

As always this "type" of thinking is only
focused on one problem with its one result.....

Well "they" got their wish and the price of
gasoline went up to $4.00.......With the cost
of gasoline going up so did the cost of
transportation, cab rides, bus and airline
fares and any other earthly device which
used a petrochemical fluid.......

Transportation effected manufacturing
costs both in raw material and finished
product.....The cost of travel also went
up.....BUT, humans, as humans always
do, adjusted to the changes......They
drove or traveled less.....Now this in turn
had its effect on other business and
governmental tax revenues......

The United States government is now
considering raising taxes due to
the LOSS of taxes because people
reduced their consumption of gasoline
as the "cadre" wanted in the first place.....

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