Friday, June 20, 2008


The Elevator Starter

Years ago before the "automatic elevator" an
elevator operator would operate the device and
let you on or off the floor, in the building, you

In larger buildings where there were "banks"
of elevators, there was a man who controlled
traffic and "loading" of elevators....He was
known as a "starter"......He would make sure
that an elevator, when it made its way up the
building, was as full as possible.........

Well most elevator "operators" and "starters"
are now gone.....One person can now take
an elevator ride.......

What a waste of energy.....The "starter" made
sure the elevator was as full as possible prior
to sending it on its vertical journey.......

I think it is time to bring back the "starter"
so that all elevators perform "green" and at
their maximum efficiency......People should
be required to wait, like in the olden days,
until the "elevator cab" was full prior to
making its vertical accent......What a saving
of energy that would be......

Yeah, try to tell someone to wait these days......

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