Sunday, November 18, 2007



The movie goers of today are different than past years......
Gone are the "family days" of movie going, along with
the "adult" block busters........

Hollywood is complaining that it is not making money
at the theater anymore......"Ticket sales are down and
they are losing money"........

The answer is simple.......Movies are for children,
teenagers, and young adults on a date........A mom or
pop, divorced or not, will take their offspring to a "G"
rated film, but that is it.......Serious, mind gripping,
thought movies play only to small audiences in little
"art house" theaters......

While the "4 star" movie fails, the "1-1/2 star" action
or "blood" movie is the weekend "hit"........I am not
saying that there is not a occasional "block buster"
released, but in general, movies have been relegated
to a "weekend date" with a member of the opposite
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