Friday, October 12, 2007


Nobel, Alfred Bernard

Mr. Nobel was an inventor, an industrialist and later
in his life a philanthropist.......For some reason he just
hated the accident of finding, what we now call, dynamite..
He saw so many people killed with his "chemical find"
that he established a committee to distribute his
fast wealth to people of the world who made some
effort in preventing people from, using his dynamite
and, killing other people.......

What the heck has Al Gore and Global Warming
have to do with dynamite and people not killing
each other?......What does world peace have to do
with a melting iceberg?........Am I losing something

As a side note: Mr. Gore has said that he will donate
his 3/4 of a million dollars of olde Alfred's award
money to the Alliance for Climate Change.......A non-
profit foundation founded by Mr. Gore about a
year ago...........

Don't you get a tax deduction on your USA taxes if
you donate money to a non-profit organization?......
I guess he is just moving the money from his right
hand pants pocket to his left.........Pumps
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