Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Highway Safety

Here in the State of Virginia, the state has published a
list of safety procedures when operating a vehicle......

Buckle up
Avoid distractions
Share the road
Drive drug & alcohol free
Obey speed limits

Duh.......With the exception of the first item listed,
buckle up, I was taught the rest in driving school
before even taking a test and getting a driver's
license.......(Back in the pre-seat belt days, every
one did not drive a car which was 50% plastic and
the top speed limit was only 35mph.).....

These safety procedures, some how, leads me to
believe that the State did not teach it's young
pupils well enough in the first place......Now they
are trying to play "catch up" with a whole bunch
of drivers that they taught badly.....

You drive the way you were taught from "day one".....
Does "distractions" include cell phones, putting on make-up, lighting a cigarette, and so on? Or just "avoid looking at pretty girls on the sidewalk?"
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