Friday, October 19, 2007


The End Of Toleration

An interesting story about a 75 year old woman, who just
had enough - of it, appeared on the Internet today.......

Yes, a lot of us older folk are MAD.......But why?........

It is because for all these past years we have been KIND
and accepted the "facts and problems of life".......However
as you grow older your "toleration" for the BULL seems
to wane.......For some reason, "with the light at the end of
the tunnel" in your face, you want people to be "on time"
and fulfill their "promises"......You want people to respect
you and treat you properly.......

It seems all the younger generation can do to the older ones
is get them MAD........I do not think the "newbies" could
handle a revolt of the "seniors".......Just remember we
KNOW where to hit anything with a hammer, which would
cause the most damage.......(The young'ins have not a
clue, yet)......Pumps
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