Friday, September 21, 2007


Quotation Marks

It seems that a young lady and student of language has a
blog at

She does not like the destruction of the English language
by the "mis-use" of quotation marks......She has a right........

When I worked in the International Cable (Western Union)
type business in my youth everyone tried to save a
dollar by using words or letters which were only five
characters long......If you used six you where charged for
two words.....(21 words, "night letter rate" = $2.89 cents)

Today's kids text message back and forth with their own
code just like my days with the "Cable" company.......

In its true form language exists in the dictionary.....People
of all shapes, sizes and origin change it to "suit" their
personal needs......It has been going on for years......

In this age of "internet conversations" people use the
quotation mark to "highlight" a statement or an
opinion......It just takes too much time to change the "font"
on your computer to make the same "point"......

This young woman has a choice.....Publish a book with
no quotation marks using correct English or publish a
book with people using "stupid" quotation marks when
they are not warranted.......Guess which book will
sell the most copies......Pumps
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