Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Re: "Sicko"

No, I have not seen Michael Moore's movie, nor do I have
any intention to.......Having taken some dozen gurney
rides, for various maladies, I am quite familiar with the
"good" and the "bad" of the United States health care

What gets to me is that Mr. Moore, in his promoting of his
film, claims that the health system in the United Kingdom
and Canada are better.......

Well this week's news has brought to light that the
60 million in England (which is slightly smaller than the
State of Oregon) have a national health system which
includes 90,000 foreign trained doctors......And that
England still has a very bad doctor shortage......
This means that only life threatening medical problems
are treated first.......God help you if you have a bad hip
or knee joint......The treatment wait can be as long as
52 weeks, just to get on the "to do" list.......

Admittedly, our American system is costly and does have
"cracks" that one can fall through.......But in the end
where will Mr. Moore go to have his "overweight" and
possible future heart problems taken care of?......
Cuba, India, Canada?........No, I suspect it will be the
Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.........Pumps
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