Monday, July 09, 2007


Mini Swamp Cooler

I helped repair a swamp cooler once in Arizona, back in the
mid '80s.....It is a simple air exchanger that has a fan and
running water......It is used to cool down homes in the desert
during periods of medium high heat......Like in the Spring
or Fall.....

Water flows in front of the fan and is cooled.....Then the water
droplets are blown into the housing duct work.....This
moisture takes the "edge" off the dry heat......It is something
like a cold water vaporizer or humidifier.....

Well there is a full page advertisement in the current issue
of the AARP Bulletin for a new gadget that does the same
thing......"Less costly than an air conditional" etc. and it
also includes an extra "water cartridge".......

This little unit, which is the size of an electric heater, costs
$300 plus, including shipping........I saw one of these little
room units some twenty years ago.....Then it cost $30......
I guess someone must have put a micro-chip in it....Pumps
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