Saturday, July 21, 2007


"Lame Duck" Years

This is not a political essay regarding George W. Bush......
It is a commentary on the last years of a presidential
term when nothing will get done, in the government,
and everybody will make a "buck"........

Have noticed that prices are going up!......Have noticed
that the stock market is going up!.....It is "Wa Hoo" time
in the business world.........

The guy leaving the office of the US Presidency will not
get his "dander" up because it has only got 18 months
to go and then it is "bene packageville"........Health care,
guards and becoming one of the most valued US senior

The new guys coming in do not know what to do yet.......
The only way to know how many rolls of toilet paper
are needed in the White House, is to get there first.....
(This is major political statement, using different words,
by some politicians)......

So in the meantime.....Things SLIGHTLY run amok......
I guess it will always happen in the future, as it has
happened in the past.....

Enjoy your Stock Market gains and spend them in the
grocery.......Easy come-easy go...........Pumps
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