Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Commercial Television

Well commercial television truly is becoming what its
name implies.....Every day, month, year, the TV stations
find a way to "sneak" in more commercial advertisement

A few years ago a 30 minute show had only 8 minutes
of commercials.....That is now being pushed to 9 minutes.....
I suspect soon to be 10......In an one hour "teleplay"
a script writer will only have to right 40 minutes worth......
Include the opening and closing "credits" and it will be even

The "cable channels", not the paid for ones, but the
"commercial" ones are adding commercials between some
1/2 hour "re-runs".....If there is a "mini-marathon" of the
same show the third show can start almost 6 minutes later
then its scheduled time......That is 6 extra minutes of
commercials in a hour-and-one-half time period........

Seems like the final result will be a TV program full of
commercials with a few minutes of "story" just "breaking
in" once in a while......And, do not get me into trying to
watch a movie on a "commercial channel".......Pumps
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