Thursday, June 14, 2007



Survival is a vital human trait.....Today I received an e-mail
advertisement from Amazon concerning the paperback book
edition "Global Warming Survival Handbook".....

The author if the book is a 30 year old British man by the name
of David Mayer De Rothchild......While Mr Rothchild is an
adventurer and environmentalist he is a heir to the famous
fortunes of the De Rothchild banking empire.......

I am sure Mr Rothchild has spent some time in the forests
of a distant country, but I suspect that he has also spent
time in a foreign opulent hotel room.......

It seems that an author of this type of book should be a
person living in a log cabin somewhere on a mountain.......
Does this young man disclose how much he spends monthly on electricity, water, natural gas, etc.?
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