Friday, June 29, 2007


The One Season Chef

Many moons ago, I knew a restaurant owner who would
hire a "chef" just out of cooking school......It was a win-win
for both.......The young person had his first chance at
showing his "cooking skills" and the owner got the best
of the newest recipes......After the short 6 months of ski
season both would part ways.........

The same philosophy is currently practiced in corporate
America........"Come on board, after college, teach us what
you know and then move on"........

Here in Jabunyaville there is a large corporation that will
hire people, pay them top dollar, suck out every bit of their
brain and then fire them......What amazes me is that people
are happy to work for them......I guess when you are
college educated you do not think of yourself as a "BODY",
but in today's world be it McDonalds or IBM - you are
just a "BODY".......What do you think Human Resource
Departments are for?.......They do not handle "personnel"
like they did years ago.......They just handle "BODIES"......

Pumps (thankfully an ex-body)..........
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