Wednesday, June 27, 2007


New HP Printer

Well "we" got a new HP printer in the computer room.....
Hardware and software is up and running........

This new printer is also a good example of the modern
"disposal society"......The first printer was bought in
Walmart for about $75 and it lasted 3 years......The
new one was bought "online only" from Walmart and
cost me $50.......If it give me more than 2 years of
service, I "luck out".......

The $50 printer is "almost" the same as the $75 one......
It has a few less "bells and whistles" and some of its
shell is made of different and less expensive plastic
but it works and prints just like the old one.......

My computer service man told me that when the
printer breaks and refuses to take "software commands"
it is time to just throw it away......And it seems for
$25 a year of service, he just may be right....Pumps
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