Monday, June 11, 2007



Studies are showing that most people lie, for the purpose
of maintaining their self-esteem or for the purpose of not
offending others......Thus the studies show and are proving
that it is alright to lie.......Bull........

In my 70 or so years I have found out that 50% of the
people you meet, like you and the other 50% do not.....It
makes no difference if you tell them the truth or not.......
Fifty percent of people, when they hear the "real and honest"
truth either will believe it or think you are giving them a
"very good line of bull"......You can not win for losing either

So if lying is really a 50/50 "crap shoot", I tell the truth
whether people like it or not......If you want to be a "yes"
person and lie in order to have friends, then do so......
The odds are still 50/50 you will either win or lose in the
long run.......Pumps
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