Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The Lawn Mower

A year ago, I bought a new "self propelled" push-type lawn
mower......After some minor carburetor difficulties, due to
winter storage, it was up and running for a new season of
grass cutting.......

The last time it was used the wife finished mowing her piece
of the lawn and put the mower away in the shed.......Today,
when restarted for another day of service, there was no
"self propelled" feature......The designated lever would
not activate the rotation of the front wheels........Physical
inspection revealed that there was no "drive belt".......

Now comes the diplomacy......How to find out what went
wrong with a mower when your wife was the last one to
use it?.......One wrong word and "the wife" will never, never,
ever touch the mower again........Calm must rule the day......

Some 6 hours later the exact route the wife took to the
shed prior to storage became quietly known.......And
there on the ground were the remains of a cut drive belt......

No fault of her's.......Belt just flew off and was demolished.....
New belt on order......Isn't love just great.....Pumps
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