Friday, April 20, 2007


Picky - Picky - Picky

When you are a child, it is quite common to "pick" on a
sibling or a "friend"......It is the part of growing up and
in the final analysis is a life "learning experience"......

It is now appearing that this "childish" experience is
becoming a major part of adult life......"Picky" is being
exhibited in everything from major politics to a "blog"
misspelling of a word......."Picky - picky - picky"......

The adult "picky" reason seems the be the same as the
childhood "picky" reason........That being, one person
trying to tell another person that, "I am better than

Write a two thousand word essay on "anything",
misspell or misuse one or two words, and you will
find someone saying, "If you were so smart as you
thing you are, you would have spelt ------ correctly."
Read any "blog" or "message board" and this point
is a proven fact.......

While none of us are perfect, our "ego" tells us that we
are......Result is that we are still perfect it is only our
"ego" that is "picky"........LOL......Pumps
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