Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Nifong - My Comments

Having watched TV and read the Internet for the last
13 months here are my personal conclusions on the Duke
Lacrosse Case.....

It was all about the money.......Here is why......
Mike Nifong was on the verge of retirement, having
served many dutiful years in the Durham, NC DA's
office.....His appointment for the position of "the" DA
was soon to expire and he had to "run" for the office
in a primary election, in the Spring of 2006.....If he
won the primary race, he was a "shoe in" for the DA's
job after the November election......(He is a Democrat
and the Republicans never really "ran" for the position.)

Therefore win in the Spring and again in the Fall and
he could retire with "top pay" after all years of government
legal service........

When Gail Mangun, the accuser, mentioned rape, it
resulted in a major case for Nifong to use for his
Spring election campaign.....He did so and he won......
Now sit on the case until the November election, and
he was IN......

Nifong did win also in November, but the "case" was
slowly breaking apart.....The transfer of the DNA findings
to the defense lawyers was the key as to the innocence
of the three players........Nifong backed away from the "case",
turned it over to the NC Attorney General's office in
January and the case was "closed" for lack of any evidence

Now the question is, who much money will three lacrosse
players get of Mr. Mike Nifong's pension - which he "worked
so hard for to get"?.........Pumps
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