Saturday, April 14, 2007


Local County Taxes

It is that time of the year when the real estate tax bills are
sent out, here in Jabunyaville......This year the assessments
on property were raised almost 20% and as expected the
complaints of the home owners followed.......

So our local government has decided to reduce the tax
rate/per one thousand dollars......From $1.04 to $0.97....
And so, a few days ago the story was all over the local TV
and in the local newspapers of the savings.......NOT.......

If you have no faith in your Federal Government, I suggest
you have less faith in your Local one.......It so happens that
if you own a $300,000 house you received a savings of
$10.00 per year in RE taxes........If you own a home worth
$150,000 (1/2 of the big one) your taxes INCREASED

The Local officials are aware that very few people know what
their real estate taxes are because the amount is buried in
the mortgage payment (escrow)........The younger, affluent,
crowd will be happy that their mortgage payment did not
increase and that the Local gov came through and listened
to their complaints.......

The poor and elderly, who have no voice, got screwed again....
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