Saturday, April 21, 2007



In the aftermath of the shootings at Virginia Tech this past
week, it is now common knowledge that Mr. Cho Seung-Hui
was a sick man, with mental issues, since his arrival in the
United States at the age of eight......

This is a simple question that no one seems to have approached
yet.......He has been in grammar school, high school and was
in his 4th year of college, why in hell did no one in the school
system care that this kid was "sick"?........

In my day, "sick" or not, you were grabbed by the ear and
taken to the principal's office if you did not "speak when spoken
to".......Poor Cho is a result of the lack of caring not political
correctness.....Or have these two aspects of modern life now
become "as one"?.........Pumps
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