Thursday, April 12, 2007



I remember the good olde days when you could fix your
own automobile......If you had a lot of skill and knowledge
you could fix major things......If had a little skill and
knowledge you could do minor things.......In my day a
"garage" was some place to park a car and maybe buy
some gas or oil.......

Every year, for the ease of driving, style or safety, the
automobile becomes more complicated to fix.....Today,
there are computer "chips" which control this and
that.....All connected to small motors on an electrical
system that can not be repaired cheaply.......

I suspect that soon that a automobile will be so costly
to repair that it will be a disposable item......Some people
today may have already figured this out....Buy a used
car, run it into the ground, junk it, and buy another used
car.......Others now buy a new car, and trade it in before
it needs a spark plug changed.......

Soon the purchase and operation of your automobile
will cost more than your house mortgage if it has
not happened is some places already......Pumps
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