Thursday, October 05, 2006


Olde School Days

I went to school in the 40's and early 50's........High School class
of 1953.....The days before Resource Officers and 'lock downs'....

While technology and fashion has changed, the mind of a normal
teenager has not......To control this mind there was
a gentleman in the school with the title of "Dean of Discipline"....
A formatable individual, who had one great and awesome power,
to make you stay after school, or as it was then known "jug".....

Now any normal teenager has "plans" for after school.....With
a few words he could destroy these "plans" and make
your life a living hell......No physical punishment was needed.....
The destruction of your afternoon was enough.......You towed
the line thereafter......

It was nice to see that things have not changed and that "jug"
still works......A private school in New York City is now
having parents, who bring their child late for school, spend
20 minutes in "jug".....Thus making them even more late
for their own jobs.......The system is working, they either
have to explain to their boss why they are "really late"
for work or suffer the humiliation of sitting in a class room,
with no talking, for 20 minutes of "jug".......

It is a pity the "fear" of the Dean of Discipline is against most
school policies of today and that "catching" the bus has
eliminated "jug".......Pumps
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