Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Is Something Out Of "Whack"

Every month every household gets it's "every month" bills.....
There is the telephone bill and then the credit card bill(s)......
Along with the utility (electric, gas, oil) bill and then the
cable (TV entertainment) bill......

It has come to pass that if you "max out" on your cable
service the payment to the cable company is more than
for your bodily warmth.....

Why have we become more accustomed to watching TV
in Hi-Def, on LCD or Plasma, while wrapped in a blanket
than just staying warm in our normal clothing and
watching channels 2-13 for free......

They (Cable Companies) got us......We are now paying
for all the "bells and whistles" that they offer while still
only watching 13 channels or less......

How come it was cheaper to watch TV when you had
less choices?.......Now it is all "out there" for your taking
and the utility bill is past due......Where did it go all
out of "whack"?........Pumps
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