Friday, September 08, 2006


The Boomers Did It #2

Forgive me but this generation DOES bug me......It appears
that all changes to modern society happened some 30 years
ago......During the 70's......When the boomers were hitting
their "stride".....

Along with the 70's and the freedom to "BE", was the
aftermath of the late 60's social reconstruction.....With
the RIGHTS came the "freeness".......Everybody was
told they could do what they wanted, when they wanted,
because they had "rights" and were therefore "free" to
express them......

The music was great, the sex was great, the "in your face-ness"
was great......However the birds have come home to roost.....
It is now payback time for the "boomers" in excessive
legislation, political correctness and court judgements......

Here is a generation that, now realizes, that at the age of
60 nothing is free anymore......Now they have to grasp
the fact that nothing was really free in the first place......

The people will survive, as others have before them......
It is a "dictate of history".......Pumps
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