Thursday, August 31, 2006


Opinions Of An Ex Smoker

This blog in not pro or anti smoking.....I gave up the "things"
some 25 years ago and have never infringed on any one's
right to smoke or not smoke......

It was a rainy day in Jabunyaville today and at a medical
appointment I observed a number of smokers standing on
a "shipping dock" enjoying their cigarettes.......As is common
today a smoker can no longer smoke in an office environment,
so out to the street and "open air" the smoker must go.....

My thought at seeing this was, "boy this is great".....You can
get away from your desk......You can get away from your
telephone.......You can be less productive in your work day......
And you still get paid the same amount, for the same job, as
the non-smoker sitting next to you......If there is no telephone
"voice mail", your co-worker may even have to answer your
telephone and solve your work problems while you are on
the "shipping dock" enjoying your "butt"......

Since the US Government has said on many occasion that the
efficiency of the American worker is up, it must be due to the
fact that the non-smoker can not take a "cigarette break".....
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