Saturday, July 01, 2006


Music and Cookies

Every music player on the internet has some kind of 'cookie'
attached to it.....While some of these 'cookies' are 'negligent',
some are 'tracking'.......In one other simple word, 'spyware'....
Trying to find 'clean' music, to play in the background, while
you are on the computer is tough, to say the least......

Any music 'service' out there wants to make money, usually
from the teenagers and '20 somethings.......Let's face it, they
have a right to do business......On the other hand to try to
find the 'spyware free' services is a little like playing Sherlock
Holmes with your computer mouse......

Following the logic of the famous Holmes, you have to find the
music on sites which have no desire to make any money....A
site that is just providing a service......I hate to say it, but some
government site in the world......

I have listened to Australian 'country music' for the past few
years without any 'cookies'......(They play a lot of American
artists).....Now, I am giving the BBC a 'shot'......

Note: If you find a new site, just run your 'spyware' software
shortly after you leave it.....This way you can pinpoint if it
is "good or not".......Watch out for "RealAudio" they can be
a 'Real' Cookie Monster.......Pumps
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