Sunday, July 02, 2006


Miss Utility And The Three Wise Men

Once again my back yard is full of little 'red flags' and 'red spray
paint' lines.....Miss Utility has send by the 'three wise men' from
the cable company, telephone company and electric company to
mark their territory like a dog on a fire hydrant.......

A recent telephone outage, on my land line, due to damage caused
during the installation of another fiber optic cable, resulted in the
arrival of Miss Utility again......My 'land line' will be replaced......

Each of these 'wise men' has come with his little electrical measuring
device, a can of spray paint on a stick and a back pocket full of little
red flags.....They drive a little small pickup truck and they do their
assigned task in minutes......No hard labor......Read your meter, spray
their paint and plant the flags......

All for $15.00 an hour......Sure beats working at McDonalds.......
I suspect that there may be some pressure with this job due to the
assignments of the day in the allotted time, but when it comes
down to it, it's really an easy gig......

Believe it on not, these wages do save money.....The law suits
filed because one company cut through the lines of another company
runs into the millions when it happens......$15.00 and hour for a
'wise man' is 'chump change' to a Miss Utility.....(Seems like a
great summer job for a college student.)......Pumps
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