Friday, June 23, 2006


How Did MAN Ever ----

---Get this far and evolve into an intelligent being?.....

Last night's TV health reporter, here in Jabunyaville,
conducted an interview with a person who is involved
with the opening of the local public swimming pools....
The reporter asked, "What should children do before
the get into the pool?"....A fair question.....The answer
from the 'mini-official' was, "Learn how to swim.".....
There was no mention of which body of water a child
should get into before attempting to enter the body of
water known as a swimming pool.....Like saying, "Do not
get on a horse unless you know how to ride."......

Why does modern society want to take away the "learning
experiences of living?"....The only way you know how not
not hit your thumb with a hammer IS TO HIT IT......You
never do it again, once is enough......

I guess modern life has come down to living in a 'bubble'.....
And, if the 'bubble' breaks find someone who caused it and
sue........Becoming a lawyer 101........Pumps
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