Tuesday, May 23, 2006


World's Fair - 1939

Even though I was really young, I do remember going to the
New York World's Fair before it closed.....I do not remember
a lot, but one thing was the ride through the GM exhibit.....
It was the world of the future with cars automatically driving
themselves and 'people' transportation walkways......

Here it is almost 70 years later and where is all this new
modern stuff?.......People are still living in houses which were
built 70 to 80 years ago and I have to drive my own car......

Pick up a newspaper or magazine, today, and you will find some
article regarding life in the year 2050 or 2075.......I have
severe reservations that any of this 'future' stuff will happen....
The only thing that came into being from '39 was television.....

I am still waiting for it to have a marked improvement on my
life......(OK, maybe the remote control.).....Pumps
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