Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Born In America

The illegal immigrants, of any nation, which reach the
soil of the United States consummate a relationship
and produce an 'anchor' child....This child is now an
American Citizen and any deportation of their 'parents'
would be considered 'cruel and inhuman punishment'.....
One male and one female, illegal, now have a deportation
safety net.....

When you come to think of it these two people are first
thinking of themselves and the poor offspring has to live
with their 'sexual consummation'.....In America the child
now becomes a 'pawn' in a bigger game.....

In Australia it is somewhat different.....If a parent is to be
deported, and has a child which is an AU citizen, the parent
must make another, non sexual, decision........#1 Leave your
offspring behind in Australia when you leave, to be raised
by others.....Or, #2 Leave and take your child with you......

It almost seem like a law that Solomon would have thought
of 2000 or so years ago......Pumps
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