Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The Poor Poor Politicians

Here we go, only about 6 months to the 2006 US Congressional
elections......The surveys are in the mail.....The politicians
want to know how you feel.....They want your opinion....And
also your "political contribution"....."Please enclose the check"....

We all know that they are only concerned about themselves....
Being a politician is a business or trade.....Stay employed,
make money, have a great health care plan and retirement
pension fund......Your survey opinions do not in anyway
effect their decisions, they only help in formulating their
answers to your questions.....If they know how you feel, they
can construct the necessary answer which you want to hear.....

Since they have the lobbyist's money, free meals, airplane
trips and golfing excursions, the only thing that I could
contribute was my one vote......And so noted that fact on
the survey form "comment" line......Pumps
The Poor Poor Spamers...They made
so much money they feel guilty and
want to help you make some...How
nice of them...Pumps
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