Thursday, March 23, 2006


Life in Virginia

The State of Virginia wants to effect the life of those which live
in Jabunyaville.....It seems that it has something to do with
the roads....

It seems that from the beginning of history, if you build a road
someone will "travel" on it and someone will "build" a house on
it and the next thing you know....The road is crowded and
people "traveling" or "building" will complain about the road.....

During the past 4 years of the Governor's tenure, he tried to
promote a "bond" (money raising) issue to solve the problems
of two state areas.....Northern Virginia (Wash. DC area) which
is full of government type people and Hampton Roads (VA
Beach area) which is full of tourist and military, aka government
people.....Both "road improvement bond" issues were defeated
at the ballot box.....No one wanted to pay additional taxes.....

Well, we now have a new Governor.....This new guy is trying to
raise taxes and get the money to fix the same road problems that
NO ONE wanted to be pay "bond" money for.....

Let's face it.....It is a conundrum.....If you have new roads, more
people will "travel" and "build"....A 2006 problem is solved but
you create a 2012 one......Do you think the Governor will give a
"rat's ---) in 2012?......Pumps
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