Friday, February 10, 2006


In The Loop

No matter what you do in politics, no matter which political
party you belong to, someone or some faction will say you
are wrong and made an incorrect decision.......If you say it
is "white", it has to be "black"......

The next thing you hear is that, "You left me/us out of the
loop".....You did not trust us.....You did not keep us informed.....
You had no right to make a unilateral decision......

Why is no decision ever right?.......Outside of using a piece
of "political knowledge" for political gain, I believe the
main reason the opposing faction is angry is due to the fact
they he/she/they were not allowed enough time to be
able to cover their own "butts".......If you are "in the loop"
you have plenty of time to do so......Pumps
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