Thursday, January 12, 2006


TV Advertisments

When TV first started back in the late 40's, there was one
advertiser for one show.....Texaco, Lucky Strike, Kraft.....
Today due to the cost of TV production most programs
have multiple advertisers.....On the cable channels the
advertisers just buy anywhere from 5 seconds to 30 seconds
of TV time........

If you watch a 3 hour movie, on cable, you may see
the same ad 4 to 6 times in each hour.....You are just
inundated with the same commercial.......

A TV advertisement is design for one purpose and that
is for you to buy and TRY the product......(If you like it, then
buy more.).....But what happens when you have no need
for the product or buy it and DO NOT like it?.......The end
result is to watch a countless number of commercials which
now become so annoying.......Pumps
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