Saturday, January 14, 2006



Don't you just love the driver who is on someones "tail"
(3-4 feet) doing 55 miles a hour while talking on his
cell phone?.....As he weaves in and out of traffic and fights
to get ahead of the "pack" you wind up next to him at
a traffic light some two miles down the road....

When you went to a butcher shop, with your mother,
did you ever see the butcher clean the "butcher block"
with a Clorox handy wipe?.......No.....After he cut the
chicken up on the "block", to your mother's specifications,
he would wipe his hands on his apron and wipe off
the "block" with a dirty towel......Then he would cut your
mother's beef order......And YOU are still alive......

Every kid would play King of the Hill on any local sand or
dirt pile......Guarantee you needed a few "band-aids" after
this game, in order to cover the scratches you got.....
Now the contractor or person who left the sand pile is
sued for the cost of the 1 million dollar "band-aid" if
anyone gets hurt playing on it....Even if it is on someone
else's property.....(Think no fence.).....

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