Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Liberal Or Conservative

I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people
who want YOU to belong to one camp or the other.....They
say that there is no "grey" area......That is not true.....

Most people tend to be Liberal when they are young and
Conservative when they are old......Granted, that maybe
33% are Liberal, 33% are Conservative and 33% are both
during the rest of their lives......

When the "money flows" then it is Liberal to say "let the good
times roll".....If things "get tight" then it is time to be a
Conservative.....To be a Social Liberal and Financial
Conservative at the same time is not uncommon.....But
you rarely see a Social Conservative and Financial Liberal.....

Let's face it, the people with the "labels" are trying to make
money "off of it" somehow......"Sell the idea"......Is often
used, and that statement proves "it"......Pumps
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